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(First person narrations from Bucky, then Rosie) 

I was home for about 2 hours, i think. Rosie had been gone for a while too, I didn't mind, it was her birthday. Why would I mind anyway? I had been very distant from her for a while. I could hear clatter outside, like things falling over. Shortly after the door closed shut, it was Rosie. She looked drunk out of her mind. She waved stiffly

"Lemme help you" I said, taking her bag and placing it on the couch, she tried to leave again 

"I've got it" She said, stumbling on her words. I helped her back inside, and to the room. 

"Thanks, James" She said, i didn't like being called James, i think everyone knew that 

"Don't call me James" I said as I placed her on the bed 

"Why? You wanna fight?" She asked 

"Rosie, you're drunk" I said 

"C'mon, Barnes. Lay with me" She said, grabbing my hand. She pulled me to the mattress. Shortly after she had passed out. 

The next morning, Bucky was still laying with me, I was wearing the same clothes too. I took me longer than usual to get ready. After I was finished i went to the kitchen. I wasn't sure what I wanted to make 

"Your awake, already?" Bucky said, coming into the kitchen 

"Look who decided to talk" I said 

"Yeah, sorry for being distant. I swear I didn't do anything." He said, tossing me his phone

"Why do I need this?" I asked 

"Y'know, Just in case you wanna look through it" He said 

"Im good. I believe you" I said tossing it back

"But why were you distant from me?" I asked

"Remember that time I had a nightmare?" he asked 

"There's multiple times" I said 

"The time you woke me up and I was talking about how the starks aren't coming back?" He asked 

"Oh, yeah" I said 

"Well, i gave it thought that night and I really had no idea why you were with Me" Bucky said 

"I told you why I was with you" I said 

"I know, my head was just in so many places at the time."

Everlong | B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now