• Chapter 9 •

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Finally, in this chapter we'll get rid of some burning trash.

Well anyways ✨𝙴𝙽𝙹𝙾𝚈✨


Sero's p.o.v.

When I woke up, first thing I noticed was, that I was in common room and it was dark. Second I couldn't get up.

Someone had their arm around my waist. I quickly looked at the person. To my luck it was Izuku. He was out like light, his laptop still on. I tried to at least close it, but he was holding me very tight.

Then I just decided to let it go and enjoy it while it last. So I burried my face in his chest. He was really warm. Before I could fell asleep, I heard a small chuckle, but ignored it.

Izuku's p.o.v.

I woke up, because I felt more warm and someone nuzzling to my chest. It was Sero. I chuckled. He was really cute.

I stayed awake after that, but I couldn't get up, because I would wake him up. So I was kinda stuck there. I noticed Momo, who went for some tea.

,,Hey Momo?"
I whispered.

,,Yes? Do you need anything Izuku?"

,,Could you please give me a blanket?"

,,Of course."


She passed me the blanked and I covered me and Sero. After that, I finally decided to go back to sleep.

Bakugou's p.o.v.

I woke up to my fucking annoying alarm at 6:00. Even though it's weekend I have to keep up with my schedule.

So right after I was fully awake, I went to make breakfast for those extras. I walk in the common room and see somebody on the sofa. I looked better, to see Deku and Soy sauce face. Meh, not my business, at least he's happy. After all the shit I put him trough.

I walked in the kitchen and started to make pancakes. I would normally do something like eggs or some shit like that, but Raccoon Eyes was fucking annoying 'bout how I should make pancakes.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone hugging me. I turned around.

,,Morning Kacchan."

Of course, who else would that be. I hugged back.

,,Mornin' nerd, you better eat your fucking breakfast and wake up Icy-hot."


He then took out some plates and put the pancakes on them. After he was done, he shoot me with his best smile and went to set up the table.

It's impossible. How can someone be so kind, after all the shit he's been trough?

My thoughts were once again interrupted, when I saw the nerd was done. Then he took out frying pans. Yeah, I remember what he can do with them, good luck extras.

I was done with breakfast, so I went to the common room, to watch the show. Before he started, he woke Tape arms up, because he didn't want him to go deaf. I don't blame him, it's really loud.

,,Before I do this, here some ear muffs, we'll be the closest meaning we would get really effected."

We took it and send him a nod. He smiled again, but this time it was sinister smile.

He started smashing the pans while screaming for everybody to wake up.

It was funny to watch. When those extras reached the commons, they were really confused and maybe kinda mad someone woke them up.

Quirkless Protector?! (Vigilante Izuku AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat