• Chapter 3 •

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One Month Later...
Our Izuku kinda became best friends with Iida, Ochaco, Kirishima and Kaminari.

⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️
Please keep in mind, that in this chapter will be mentioned: Abuse (Mental and Physical), Rape and Self Harm.

If you aren't comfortable with it, skip the Flashback part. Feel free to read the shorter version, that does mention those things, but not that deatiled.


Izuku's p.o.v.

Today we had to write some test. It was pretty easy, but not everyone can be as smart as me and have it done after five minutes.

I was just looking out of the window, when I saw... a little... light? Shit.

,,Everybody down now!"
I shouted in hope everybody would listen. For the love of God they did.

Then something broke the window, I looked into it and saw a bullet.

,,Hmm... Those bullets are from snipers, they were targeting Bakugou."
I mumbled.

,,Okay everyone, I want you to go out of this classroom right now."


,,I am trying to save your life Katsuki. You should be grateful. Aizawa, I need you to take them to safe place. This won't be pretty."

Kirishima's p.o.v.

Zumi just sprinted out of the door faster then our Sonic Iida. Also, I didn't understand a thing, I just know, that someone targeted Bakubro.

While Mr. Aizawa was trying to get us to calm down, it was about fifteen minutes, that Zumi left. I was getting worried.

Right when I thought of running off to find him, he entered the room with two people over his shoulder tied up. Okay, what the hell was happening right now. Mr. Aizawa walked up to him and started to talk about something.

,,So? Any info?"

,,There were five people, however I kinda send three to hospital, I was able to catch two, so we can get info."

,,Yeah sure, do your thing."
Said Aizawa-Sensei as Zumi put them down. This isn't going to end up well.

,,Now tell me, who send you."
Asked Zumi calmly one of the attackers.

,,Tch- like I would tell you. Idiot."

Zumi still really calm grabbed one of his fingers and snapped it. We all heard a crunch and the guy had tears in his eyes.

,,Gonna talk now?"


Zumi snapped another finger.

,,Listen, Your body has 206 bones, I could break about 50 until you pass out from the pain, so cooperate or die."
After he said it, everyone was scared for life.

,,F-fine, just n-no m-mo-more."

,,Promise, now who send you, what are your intentions and be fast or-"

,,Y-yeah, I don't know if you know them, but I was send by Black Rose. Their intention was to kill Bakugou Katsuki, but I don't know why."

,,Black Rose hmm? I know them, so they want to kill Bakugou... I know why... Thanks for the help, I called you help already, I will visit you in hospital later."


When we got back to the dorms everybody was in shock.

,,Dude, what the hell was that?"
I asked Zumi.

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