Chapter 1: No more hiding

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Chapter one

Kinkajou, Moon, Winter and Qibli where flying to the Night Kingdom. They where going to find the lost city of Night. Kinkajou had felt that someone was for sure following her and her friends. She felt this cold chill not like any IceWings scales, something more. Something that felt cold and Dark like someone was watching Kinkajou and her friends. Kinkajou missed Glory of all Dragons. Glory was always Determined, Protective, persistent and a good friend and really funny at least Kinkajou thought. She was proud she was BEST friends with the queen of RainWings. She hoped Glory missed her too. "Come on" Winter pleaded. Kinkajou quickly pushed forward rain dripping down her neck a pain in her wings. She wanted to stop so BAD but knew nobody was willing to stop for quite awhile. "Can't you go any faster than that?" Winter shouted back to Kinkajou. Kinkajou pushed forward yet did no good. "Maybe we should stop to rest" Moon qiuetly mumbled a couple wingbeats ahead of Kinkajou and a couple behind Qibli and Winter. "Yeah!" Kinkajou shouted. "Moon's got a fair point." Qibli said reassuringly. He gave Moon a grin. Kinkajou beat her wings harder trying to catch up to Moon or qibli. Winter hunched his shoulders and grunted, " I knew I never should have come with a RainWing. He said "I guess I have no choice." Qibli nodded his head with a no-harming-smile on his face. "Yay!" Kinkajou said as she soared down to the mountain peaks her wings slowly feeling happier. Moon was soaring down as well, she was a few wingbeats behind Kinkajou and Qibli was with her. Winter landed on the Mountain shaking his wings with an angry expression on his face. "Can we stay for the night?" Kinkajou asked hopefully. "Ask Winter." Qibli said with a smirk. "Can we?" Winter rolled his eyes. "Yay!" Kinkajou yelped feeling helplessly tired. "Did that sound like a yes to you?" Winter scoffed. "Yeah..." Kinkajou said. Winter flew down from his perch and muttered under his breath, "We'll never get to the lost city of night at this rate." Kinkajou last thought was: What if we don't? But kinkajou knew that they HAD to make it- and then she had fallen asleep.  

The next morning Kinkajou woke up with a cold chill down her spine. "No more rest breaks for awhile!" Winter gritted. It looked like he hadn't slept last night. Kinkajou blurted out, "Did you sleep at all last night?" Winter gave her a look of astonishment. No, she thought of course not. Winter jumped up his gorgeous wings glittering in the sunrise in the sky. "Let's get going." Qibli said. "For once you actually have a good sense of what to do." Winter scoffed. Kinkajou and Moon flew up to Winter and Qibli and they began flying again. The wind seemed colder and tougher this time. Kinkajou was pushing her way through. Barely able to move through the winds. Suddenly there was a net. A big net. It wrapped around Kinkajou's snout and yanked her back. A dark body fell over her. It felt like Moon, but Kinkajou couldn't be sure. It was Moon. Then there was dark. Dark like that dark that was following her. 

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