Chapter 6: To the rescue

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The next morning as the sun began to set, Kinkajou heard Qibli's voice:

"Kinkajou- wake up- I need to tell you the news- Moon-" 

Kinkajou jolted up hearing Moon's name. "What'd she say?!" Kinkajou presses on. "She said- she knows how we can escape- there are lots of guards and it is very well- well gaurded. But, Moon is saying that if we cause a big distraction as total different dragons- not us- then one of us- who's not distracting- could get moon- and winter."

Qibli added, "I'll be the distraction." 

"Okay."' Kinkajou peeped. "You promise me you'll - save Moon and Winter." Qibli said worriedly. 

"You can count on it." Kinkajou said. But she wasn't quite sure. Could he?


later that night Qibli and Kinkajou where all set.
"Are you sure that disguise works?" Kinkajou said biting her lip.

"It should." Qibli said.

He seemed bummed out.

"Qibli?" Kinkajou asked.

"What." He stated.

"In case we- we don't get out- or you do- but I don't- or somehow you- like get out but I don't- Umm- Could you?"
Kinkajou stammered.

"I won't laugh or tease you- I promise." Qibli assured her.

"Tell Turtle- I love him." Kinkajou let out her breath, feeling satisfied.

"Sure." Qibli said.

"I'll - Tell Moon too." Kinkajou said.

"Sure. That'll help." Qibli said sarcastically.

Qibli set off toward the Sky Palace since they were only less than 100 wingbeats away from the shinning Sky Palace glistining in the sun.


"shhhhhhh" Qibli said.

Kinkajou couldn't help but giggle. Qibli's disguise was a nightwing.

He looked so funny.

She would have been way better at being  a nightwing. she thought.

she knew Qibli had chosen himiself because Kinkajou would get hurt- but still.

Kinkajou flew up to where she would go when the SkyWings left. She turned to camaflouge. Clear and still.
It was taking longer than Kinkajou expected for Qibli to atract attention. She decided to fly down.

Bad idea. She thought.

Not listening she flew down.

Suddenly she heard the alarm. She beat her wings up -and knew she was still in camaflouge-

No one can see me. She assured herself.

She got back to the boulder and pushed it open. 


Finally she pushed it forward.

There was Moon and Winter alone.

"Kinkajou" Moon gasped.

Winter flew down and out of the boulder door.

"What's Qiblil doing?" Winter asked.

Moon smiled. "He's distracting the guards."

Suddenly there was millions of crashes.

"Qibli!" Moon shouted.

She darted down Winter by her side and Kinkajou not far behind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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