Fynn: The Runaway.

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The rouncey sneered softly as Fynn began to saddle him. "Easy, boy," He whispered as he quietened her with a gentle touch. The moon lingered overhead, and the courtyard and become deserted upon its arrival. He continued to tighten the horse's bit, and strap his roll onto it. Before long he was ready.

It was only as he looked to his readied steed, he felt a desire to stay. Hart's Haven was the only place he had ever known. It was a violent place, a beast that had beaten and scarred him, but it was also a warm bed, a hot meal and whether he liked it or not, it was home. 

You have to do this, Fynn thought to himself. It was like Mira had said, he would die here if he didn't run. It was only a matter of time before one of his tormentors took it took far.

With his horse ready there was only one thing left to do. Say goodbye. Not to Mira or to Hugh, they couldn't know he had left. After Jonn had found him in their cottage he would question them, it was better they didn't know. No, the only goodbye he had was for Timber.

Fynn new the castle well, he knew the guards' patterns, how to avoid them and how many they numbered. There were four guards on each wall at any time, two to each tower, and then the main wall had an additional guard, one overlooking the gate, but Fynn knew as well as any man that the guard had a habit of dozing off.

As he made his way across the courtyard he ensured to stay in the shadows, away from the windows of the keep, and the head groom's cottage and especially the guardhouse. Finally, he arrived at the kennel gate. It creaked as he opened it. "Shit." He muttered. He could only hope that Mira and Hugh would not wake.

Upon entry he was met with sniffs from the caged hounds, they knew his scent. Fynn had been a frequent visitor, had he been anyone else they might have sounded the alarm with a symphony of howls. His great escape would have been over.

"Timber, how you doing, sweet girl?" Fynn had known which cage belonged to his friend. Third from the last on the left side.

He could feel her wet snout meet with his hand, first, it sniffed and then she began to lick him.

Fynn let out a quiet laugh and ruffled her fur slightly. It was soft, a grey blanket. She had always been his comfort, from the first time she had found him lying in a pile of shit, blood-covered and bruised. He remembered feeling her tongue licking at his cuts, and her securing herself around him, protecting him. How he wished he could take her with him, but Mira and Hugh would notice. His absence would be noted quicker and it might even force them to turn him in. No. He did this alone, it was safer that way.

"I'm leaving, Timber. I'm running away. Hopefully, this is the last time I see you," He said as he placed his head against the bars.

Timber began to nuzzle at his wine-stained curls, whining as she did so.

"I know. I'll miss you too, sweet girl. I wish I could take you with me. The adventures of Fynn and his loyal hound. It would be a story to tell." He laughed once more, before lifting his head and pressing his lips against her shaggy grey fur. "Goodbye. Thank you for being my friend." Fynn smiled as stepped away from the cage. He could her whimper as he left. It's for the best he kept telling himself. If he was found, if his plan failed, they would punish Timber to get to him. They would punish Hugh and Mira for allowing him to take a hound. As much as he wanted her with him, the risks were too high.

Once more, Fynn found himself at the stables, his rouncey was ready. All need do is ride him through the gate.

He had picked a horse no one would miss. One that belonged to an old knight. Sur Osgar. A somewhat retired soldier, who spent his days in the keep. He would seldom leave the great hall, it was his place.

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