Aislinn: The Prophecy Begins.

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Worry coated Aislinn's every thought. It seemed as if it was the only emotion, she was capable of these past weeks. She worried for her son, how he had reacted over the news of his marriage. He hadn't been seen since, for hours. Aislinn knew where he was, of course, a mother always knew. He was the woods, the sun woods. He had retreated to natures embrace. In many ways, Rainer was akin to her. He had gone where she would have.

"My lady, is all well?"

Aislinn was snapped from her mindscape by a shrewd voice, one she knew all too well. Alden had been the Sunbarrow steward since Warner's father sat the Sun Throne.

His smile was beaming down at her, as he stood beside the throne. His weathered face was one of the kindest she had ever seen, he had always had a gentleness about him. He was as protective of her children as she, there was none more loyal to the Sunbarrow clan. Aislinn knew she could confide in him, without fear of her words reaching Warner's ear.

"I fear for my children, Alden. Warner has changed, it happened so quickly, but it was no small change."

Alden nodded and offered her his hand so that she might rise and walk with him. "My lady, I have known lord Warner since he was a boy. I counselled his father, I educated him. It has been my honour to serve two generations, and I hope to serve a third. Warner is a far greater man than his father, he has a mind for politics, but he has always been obsessed with power. The first time I saw him climb the steps and sit in that seat, I saw it. He covets more, the west is not enough for him anymore. I often counsel restraint. When the king had no son, I advised him that his family would be next in line, that Rainer or even he could be king. That was not enough, he has a lust for power, one that I knew would change him. I am sorry this day came."

Aislinn noted his tone and the words he had spoken, they carried a weight that was all too familiar. Jocasta. Seers' words. Alden claimed to have seen her husband's spiral, she wished she had seen it too.

"What is to be done?" She had been lady long enough to know that answers did oft come from the mouths of those wiser than her, and there were few men wiser than Alden.

"I am afraid I do not know the answer to that, my lady."

She had hoped to hear that his mind was akin to her own, that her plan to separate her children and remove them from Warner's influence was an option indeed. She hoped it was.

"The children, I should send them to lords to foster and educate them. It is not an uncommon practice, perhaps it would quell Warner's new-found behaviour." Aislinn had been hesitant to present her plan. Not because she did not trust the steward, but because he was the only man who could convince her that it would not work, she knew he would grip her and pull her from the false reality she had conjured.

Alden brought them both to a halt, turning to look her directly in her eyes. "Warner would have you imprisoned or worse, and given his current mental state, I would say worse. My lady, Aislinn, I beg you do not send the heirs away. They are far more precious than gold and silver."

He was right and she knew it. It had been a foolish delusion. She would have to find another way to safeguard her children. At least Rainer would be away for a time. He had been most affected by the events of the past weeks. The journey to Crown's Heart might do him good. Her son had always dreamed of travelling, seeing more of the land. He could find some enjoyment during his travels. Enjoyment that might ease the pain of his wedding.

"Perhaps I could send Dash with Rainer, he loves his brother and it would give me time to speak to my husband. Zanna is always locked away in the library, I do not fear for her as much. Out of sight, out of mind."

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