Part 1 - Kenma

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Flashing lights.


A muffled noise of screaming and sirens surrounded Kenma, suffocating him. His heartbeat flooded his ears. He lay there, vaguely feeling a sticky, warm liquid surround his body. He wasn't sure if he was paralyzed or just too much in shock to move. What was the last thing he remembered? Intoxicated Kuroo lightly holding the wheel. A bright light of a truck. Shattering glass and the strange sense of being weightless as the car flipped over. The metallic stench of blood. Blood. Pain. ...Death.


Kenma woke up in a hospital bed. The glare of the overhead lights was making him nauseous, so he shut his eyes and let his ears do the work. It was quiet with the exception of the tick of the clock and the occasional footsteps echoing through the hallways. Suddenly, the sound of a  crying child drifted through the hospital. It was haunting. Kenma shut the noise out and continued his inspection. It was probably night, considering the fact that the hospital was almost a ghost town. Ghost. Death. With a start, the events of the car crash came flooding back to him. He sat up quickly, determined to find out what happened. A sharp pain shot through his abdomen and he grunted. He lifted up the hospital gown to find bandages wrapping around his torso.


He had been sitting in the back of the car along with Hinata, but Kuroo and Kageyama sat in the front, and the truck had hit them head on. Panic rising through his chest, he swept off the covers and stumbled out of the room. A doctor walking through the hallway noticed him and ran over to ask what he was doing.

"My friends... Kageyama, Kuroo... Hinata. Where are they?"

The doctor ignored his question and led him back to his room, "You shouldn't be walking around. You're hurt."

"Where are they?"

"Lie down."

"Where are they?"


"Where are they?"


Kenma woke up a few hours later. Fortunately, the brightness of the lights had been turned down as the sun came up. The panic he felt before had gone down somewhat, so he took a moment to fully wake up. Once his brain had adjusted itself to the new surroundings he got up and went to the front desk. The man behind it looked startled to see a patient asking for something, but nevertheless, he gave him Hinata's room number. Kenma thanked him and stumbled around the hospital until he found the room. He walked inside to see Hinata sitting up staring out the window at a bluebird.


Hinata looked over at Kenma. He had a bandage wrapped around his head, "Kenma!"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, do you know where Kageyama and Kuroo are?"

"No. I was trying to figure it out a couple of hours ago, but the doctor wasn't being helpful."

"Oh, lemme get one then. We can make them tell us," Hinata gave Kenma his signature smile before slipping out the door.

He returned a few minutes later with the same doctor that Kenma had tried to question. Hinata put his hands on his hips and looked up at the doctor.

"Where are Kageyama and Kuroo?"

The doctor blinked a couple of times before sighing, "It's complicated."

Kenma's heart plunged. 

"We aren't letting you leave until you tell us, right Kenma?"

He nodded mutely.

The doctor sighed again and looked out the window, "Kuroo is in a coma."

"Coma?" Kenma cried. "How? Is he okay? When will he wake up?"

The doctor looked down at Kenma, "Other than the coma he's okay. We're not sure when he'll wake up, but we're hoping he will in a couple of days. It could last several weeks though."

"What about Kageyama?" Hinata interjected.

The doctor switched his gaze to Hinata and bit the inside of his cheek. "He... Kageyama died."

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