Part 4 - Hinata

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It had been a few weeks since the car accident. In a strange way, Hinata and Kenma had bonded over the tragedy and had become closer. Hinata didn't even know if they were still friends or something... more. Kenma had stayed with him during Kageyama's death even though Kuroo was in a coma. 

And Hinata appreciated the fact that Kenma always said things the way they were, without sugar-coating it or being mean. 

The last school bell for the day rang, wrenching Hinata from his thoughts. He looked up to see the rest of the class filing out. He quickly shoved the stuff on his desk into his bag, not wanting to get left behind. He heard someone walk up to him and turned around. Kenma was standing behind him. He wasn't looking at him or tapping his foot impatiently, but just staring at the opposite wall. 

"Thanks," Hinata whispered. "For waiting for me, I mean."

"No problem," Kenma smiled.

Hinata finished packing away his stuff and shouldered his bag. Kenma stopped staring at the wall and quickly grabbed Hinata's bag before anything could fall out. He gently closed the bag, the zipper making a satisfying noise. Hinata smiled appreciatively at Kenma and they walked out of the classroom together.

After a few minutes of silence, Hinata cleared his throat uncomfortably, trying in vain to get rid of a persistent scratch, "Hey, um, Kenma?"

Kenma turned to face him without a sound. He felt his face heat up and he swore if someone took his temperature it would look like he had a fever. When Kageyama said he was like the sun this was not what he had in mind. Nevertheless, he continued on with his question, stopping in mid-sentence would just make him look like an idiot. Tsukishima entered his mind, a smirk on his face saying how he already looked like an idiot. He shook away the thought and cleared his throat again.

"Would you... maybe like to, uh, go somewhere... like, with me?"

Kenma paused uncertainly, "Like a date?"

Hinata turned away, not wanting Kenma to see his red face, "Yeah, that."

He heard Kenma chuckle and a moment later his cool hands were on Hinata's face turning him towards him, "I would love to."

A strange feeling of relief and happiness flooded his chest and he pulled Kenma into a hug, "Thanks, I mean great-. I mean... I dunno." He released Kenma awkwardly and smoothed down the non-existent wrinkles on his shirt. When he looked up again he saw Kenma trying to contain a laugh, and failing.

"What? Did I do something wrong?"

He opened his mouth to explain, but instead, an explosive laugh leaped out. Hinata inwardly smiled, he had never heard Kenma laugh like this before - an unrestrained laugh that seemed to fill up the entire world. Soon, Hinata was laughing beside him. A type of pure happiness he had not felt since Kageyama's death filled his lungs leaving no space for negative things. Once they had calmed down Kenma wiped his eyes and let out a content sigh.

"Sorry," he said. "It's just, you're very cute when you're flustered."

Hinata's blush that he never fully got rid of returned at full force.

"But, can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Hinata said, hoping it wasn't something bad.

"Why do you want to date me?" then he quickly added: "Assuming we are dating, but I don't know, whatever you want."

Hinata smiled, relieved that this was the cause, "You're an amazing person, Kenma, anyone can see that. You're kind, and thoughtful, and smart, and you never lie or go behind someone's back. And the list can go on, forever. But you also stood by me when I lost Kageyama, when we all lost Kageyama. Even though you also lost Kuroo you put me first, and for that, I'm eternally grateful."

Once he finished Kenma blinked and then cracked a smile, "That was an impressively formal monologue. I didn't know you were capable of that."

"Hey!" Hinata lightly punched him on the shoulder, not knowing if it was praise or just Kenma being savage.

Kenma smiled, "That was supposed to be my attempt at a compliment."

"For the record, that was a terrible attempt."

"Fine, then let me redeem myself by organizing our date."

"What? No! No way, I'm going to do it."

"Too late," he smirked. "I already got an idea."

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