Part 3 - Kenma

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When they arrived at the funeral almost everyone was seated at the pews of the church. The man up front was droning on and on about how heaven gained another angel. They quietly shuffled to a middle row and sat down.

The funeral lasted for hours, much of it having to do with random people Kenma had no idea existed. In all honesty, he was bored. He was bored of watching people dab nonexistent tears out of their eyes and talk like they knew Kageyama. It was sickening. He looked over to Hinata and saw that he had tears in his eyes, real tears. He held in a sigh, knowing that this was very personal to Hinata. He would force himself to sit through it a little longer for him.


Finally, the mindless droning that reminded him a lot like bees ended, and they were released outside. There were rows of tables with assorted cheeses and breads, more snacks rather than an actual lunch, despite the fact that it was noon. The people flooded outside and flocked to the tables, grabbing whatever they could off the tables. Kenma rolled his eyes and waited patiently for the other people to stop hoarding the table. Hinata stood beside him, quietly rocking back and forth on his toes.

A few minutes later, the table cleared enough for other people to get through and take some food. Kenma led Hinata to the table and chose a few pieces of cheese. They then walked over a weeping willow and sat under its swaying branches.

"I haven't asked yet, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but how're you feeling." 

Hinata looked at Kenma.

"Like with Kageyama," he added quickly. "And please don't feel pressured or anything, because I don't want you to-"

"It's okay," Hinata smiled softly at Kenma.

It wasn't common that Kenma got flustered. He took a mental deep breath and willed his cheeks to cool down.

Hinata took a deep breath, "I dunno, it hurt for a while, but there's nothing I can do about it, so I guess... just get over it? I want to be optimistic and all."

Kenma stared at Hinata for a moment. He didn't know how to react so he leaned his head on the trunk of the tree and nodded.

"Don't suppress your feelings and feel free to vent, too, whatever is best," Kenma gave him a soft smile.

"Thanks," Hinata returned the smile.

Kenma finished his plate and dusted off his hands. He stood up and extended his hand down to Hinata. He took it and Kenma pulled him up. 

"I don't think the rest of the funeral is mandatory, and I have no desire to be the butt of everyone's sorrow and apologies. Can we go somewhere else? Like, get ice cream or something?"

"Sure," Hinata chuckled. "I know a good ice cream place a few blocks down. Lemme get some money from my mom."

Hinata returned a few minutes later with a fist full of cash. Kenma opened his mouth to interject that he should pay but Hinata put his finger up.

"I'm paying, you can't convince me otherwise."

Kenma closed his mouth and sighed, "I'm paying you back."

"No, you're not," Hinata giggled as he skipped away. "Come on, the ice cream store is this way."

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