Part 2 - Hinata

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Dead... Kageyama... gone.

Somehow the words didn't register in his head. How could Kageyama be gone? Hinata had only really known him for a year and a half, but it felt like an eternity. Kageyama had been the one to push him to be better, how would he survive without him? He had promised him he would beat him, but he meant volleyball, not... this. He felt a hot tear slip down his cheek. He licked it off in a delirious state. It was salty, like the ocean. Ocean. Kageyama would never see it again. He was dead.


It had been a few hours since the news had been given to him, but he still couldn't grasp the fact that his best friend, maybe his lover, was now gone for good. Kenma had brought him back to his house, but all they had done was sit in his room. 

Hinata didn't know what this feeling was. He didn't feel any emotions, but there was an uncomfortable, dull pain in his stomach like he had swallowed a burning piece of coal. Time seemed to crawl by at a snail's pace, but he wasn't bored. He wasn't... anything. 

He was vaguely aware of Kenma quietly observing him from across the room. For once, he wasn't looking at his phone or playing a game. At around 3:30 Kenma got up from his chair and walked out of the room. Hinata didn't know where he was going, but he didn't care. He didn't care anymore. A few minutes later Kenma came back with a bag of chips and two sodas. He set one of the cans and the chips in front of Hinata and went back to his chair. 

A faint thought crossed Hinata's mind. This wasn't at all like the movies. In the movies, there was a dramatic scene where the damsel in distress cried her eyes out as the prince comforted her. It was so wrong and fake. Suddenly, a tear fell down his face. Another tear followed it, and soon his face was stained with new and dried tears. He struggled to keep his sobs in. Kageyama had always told him he was like the sun, and the sun wasn't allowed to cry. He hiccuped and a sob escaped. Kenma slowly walked over to Hinata and sat down with a grunt. He didn't hug him or say anything, but just sat by him as he finally accepted the fact that Kageyama was gone.


"Are you sure I look okay?"

"Relax, you look fine."

Hinata nervously adjusted his tie and looked in the mirror. They were going to Kageyama's funeral in a few minutes, and he had spent the last half an hour fixing his suit and hair.

Kenma walked over and laid his hand on top of Hinata's, "Calm down, it's fine."

Hinata sighed and slowly took his hand off his suit, "I just wanna look good for Kageyama."

"You always look good."

A slight blush spread across Hinata's face, "Thanks." He whispered.

They walked outside together and hailed a taxi. A minute later, a bright yellow cab pulled up. The driver looked over the passenger seat at their suits.

"We're you heading?" they asked.

Kenma quietly closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose. Hinata shuffled his feet awkwardly, "My friend's funeral."

"Oh," the taxi driver quickly turned around.

Hinata quietly gave them the address. 

The rest of the ride was silent. Kenma kept glaring daggers at the back of the driver's head. Once they arrived Kenma paid the driver and got out to open the door for Hinata.

"What a gentleman," he teased.

Kenma smiled softly and closed the door behind him.

"Have fun!" the driver said. It took a moment for them to process what they said, but their eyes widened and they quickly drove off.

"The audacity of that idiot," Kenma hissed.

A/N: this chapter is dedicated to Lea, I was going to tag her, but she made a big deal out of me wanting her username lmao.

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