Part 5 - Kenma / Hinata

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Three days after Kenma's date with Hinata he got a text from his mom.

come down to the hospital asap

He rolled his eyes at a millennial using 'asap' but he started walking in the direction of the hospital. When he got there his mother was pacing in front of the front desk. Her hands were clasped together and she was practically radiating... anxiety? Nervousness?

Kenma rushed over to her, "What happened?"

"The doctors said Kuroo woke up, but they won't let us see him."

"He woke up? Where is he? Where is he?" he turned to the person behind the front desk and slammed his hands on the desk. "Where is he?"

"He's in room 105, but I'm afraid you can't-"

He ignored the rest of the nurse's comment and bolted down the hall, trying to find room 105. The nurse desperately called after Kenma, but his voice slowly dissolved into the halls of the hospital.

"105... 105... 105," he trailed his hand along the door numbers until he came to the one with gold lettering labeled Room 105 - Patient. He swung the door open to reveal Kuroo sitting on a bed in a hospital gown. 

Kuroo looked over and gasped, "Kenma?"

"H-Hey, Kuroo," he crossed the room in one stride. "How are you-"

He was stopped when Kuroo pulled him into a hug, "I was so worried about you, what happened? Is everything alright?"

"Well..." Kenma debated telling Kuroo everything that happened. He would eventually have to tell him one way or another. "Besides you being in a coma, Kageyama... died."

Kuroo blinked a couple of times, "Did you say he died."

"Yeah," Kenma sighed. "You missed his funeral."

"How did he die?"

"You don't remember?"

Kuroo shook his head silently. 

"What was the last thing you remember?"

Kuroo thought for a moment, "The party at Hinata's house...."

Kenma nodded bitterly, "You got drunk and crashed the car."

"So... I killed Kageyama," he buried his head into his chest and groaned.

"Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi," Kenma sat down on Kuroo's bed. "Don't think like that, you were intoxicated, and-"

"And? There is no and! I killed Kageyama, there's no excuse, I killed him..." a sob burst out.

"Hey...," Kenma rubbed his back comfortingly.

Hinata burst through the door, "KUROOOOOOO! YOU'RE AWA-"

He stopped mid-sentence and gathered in the information his eyes were seeing, "Is... he okay?"

Kenma ran his tongue along his teeth. A thought was brewing in the back of his mind, and not a good, one. He had to get it out before time was dragged on, "Can I talk to you outside?"

Hinata cocked his head to the side, but opened the door and stepped out. Kenma gave a reassuring smile to Kuroo and then followed Hinata out.

~Hinata's POV~

Hinata wrung his hands uncertainly, "You wanted to talk?"

"Yeah," Kenma shifted from one foot to the other. 

The atmosphere was ridiculously awkward and Hinata was beginning to think something bad was going to happen.

"About that...," Kenma continued. "These past weeks with you have been one of the greatest in my life. But-"

Hinata's heart fell.

"-Kuroo's back and... what we had... it was more of a... heightened friendship."

By now Hinata's heart was way past the crust of the earth and well on it's way to the core. He felt his stomach constrict and his breath tighten. 

"It was a really good friendship though, and hopefully we can still be friends," he clarified. "I just-, Kuroo was my boyfriend before and now he's woken up and I kinda... want to... be... his boyfriend... again."

It felt like Hinata was in a tiny room with the walls closing in around him. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. He wanted to fall on his knees and beg Kenma to reconsider. The words clogged in his throat though and all he managed to choke out was: "Yeah."

Kenma nodded and after a moment of staring at Hinata, turned around and walked back into Kuroo's hospital room.

Hinata clenched and unclenched his fists. He felt like crying, his body was telling him to cry, but his eyes remained dry. From the pure shock and sadness of losing the last person he felt could really understand him, the last person he could ever truly love. 

He ran out of the hallway and dashed out to the lobbyway. He ignored a doctor's warning about not running and threw open the door. A blast of wind made him stumbled backwards and gaze up at the cloudy sky. The sun was nowhere to be seen through the thick, gray, rainclouds. It seemed like it was hiding from him. 

He was the sun, but the sun was surrounded by strangers and there was no one like him for lightyears. All he could do was provide light for the other people around him and act like everything was fine, when really he was



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