3 minutes

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-Third Person P.O.V- 

Peters mind swarms with thoughts as he lays there, the darkening sky casting shadows all around him and making a shiver crawl up his spine. Whether it be from the cold that's seeped into his bones, or the reaper that's lurking in the shadows, getting ready to rip him away from the realm of the living. 

He wonders bleakly if maybe he hadn't come out here tonight, hadn't stopped on this roof. Would he still be up and about, moving freely, not fighting for his life with every breath. 

(It wasn't meant to end like this) 

The fear of the unknown and what comes after was looming over him. 

What comes after life, will darkness be all he knows once it's all over. Or will there be light, will he be able to look back at his life, will he be able to slip into a new life, a new everything. 

Or will he be alone, and cold. 

But no, his dad- his dad was coming and he would- he would be fine. 

But the fear- the fear was telling him he was wrong, that his dad wouldn't get there in time and he would instead be thrust into the endless darkness that surrounds everyone, everyday without even knowing it. 

He didn't want to leave his mum and dad, he always- he always promised that he would come back to them. That he would be safe and he wouldn't ever give in. 

And Ned, they- they were meant to build a LEGO set tomorrow, but the fear was screaming at him, telling him how that will never happen. Who was- who was Ned meant to be nerdy with and obsess over things others thought were crazy to obsess over. 

MJ, they were- they were meant to go on a date with each other next week. They had so many plans for the future, and now, well now Peter fears his future is nothing more then darkness, nothing more then the coldness that surrounds those who no longer take in any breaths. 

The fear was wrapped around him, squeezing him tightly and rolling through his stomach. 

Peter wants nothing more then for his dad to arrive right now, push away the fear that's covering his son and making him drown under the weight of it all, tell him that it'll be okay and he'll make it, because his dad was right there, and it would- it would be okay. 

(The fear won't let go- why won't it let go. Save him, please please please save him, let him- let him go) 

He blinks back into reality, pulling himself from his thoughts. 

He needs to- he needs to stop the bleeding. 

Clenching his eyes shut once again he pushes away the fear, his dad- his dad will be here soon, and he'll- he'll help. 

(Keep breathing, please don't let go.) 

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