Chapter One

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Wanda ran out of her house after just getting hit by her father ignoring the calls of her Uncle, Aunts, and Brother 

"Hey, Hey slow down" A woman said grabbing a hold of Wanda

Wanda looked up and the woman gasped at her face

"Hey What happened to your face and arms" She asked but wasn't getting an answer so she sighed and looked around her and looked back at Wanda "I heard a rumor you told me what happened to your face and arms" 

"My father got mad at me for taking the attention from my twin sister and hit me multiple times" Wanda responded making her gasp

"My name is Allison what is yours" Allison asked

"My name is Wanda" 

Allison smiled "It's a beautiful name you know what Wanda I think you should come live with me, a little girl like you shouldn't be hurt like this especially by her parents" 

Wanda smiled at her "Really you would take me away from them" 

Allison nodded "Of course How old are you"

"I am 6 years old I just turned 6" Wanda said 

Allison nodded "Well Happy Birthday this is my present to you, taking you away from that horrid family" 

Wanda hugged Allison

"Wanda" Kol said making her turn around 

"Uncle Kol" Wanda said running over to him and he picked her up and kissed her head 

"Go ahead and get some rest little one" Kol said putting her into his car he got out and walked over to Allison

"So you are taking her away" Kol asked 

Allison nodded "Yes she doesn't deserve to be hurt" 

"I agree which is why I will help she is my niece every time I try to help her she doesn't let me so she won't lose me, She is very special and you have to promise me you won't judge her" 

Allison looked at him confused but nodded

"She is what witches call a Tribrid she is of three supernatural creatures, she is a vampire, werewolf, and witch she is only a witch right now, to activate her werewolf curse she has to kill a human so please protect her as much as possible and if it does happen call me so I can help her through it" Kol said giving her his number

She nodded "and to activate her vampire side she has to die I assume"

Kol nodded "Correct and again if it happens call me, Her father is a Original Hybrid of a Vampire and Werewolf and Her mother is a Alpha Wolf but is also a Hybrid like her father, her twin sister is also a Tribrid but you won't have to worry about seeing any of them" 

Allison nodded "I will see you here same time tomorrow so I can take her" 

Kol nodded "I shall see you then" 

He left to his car and she did the same both going to their family homes 

*The Hargreeves were staying in New Orleans for a vacation and were leaving in two days*

Wanda Davina MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now