Chapter Five

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Wanda walked into the Hargreeves Mansion in Toronto, Canada 

*It doesn't give me the place where the Hargeeves live, so I used the place they are filming the show in*

"So you are the little girl my sister is taking in," A big man said walking forward with the rest of The Hargreeves

Wanda looked up at him scared of how strong he looked, she was scared he would be like Klaus and Hayley and beat her 

"You don't have to be scared," Allison said almost sensing that she was scared 

Wanda nodded in response but stayed quiet not knowing what having a full family was like

"My name is Luther and these are my brothers and sister, Diego, Five, and Vanya," Luther said kneeling in front of her 

She looked at Five confused "Why is your name Five" Wanda asked very quietly 

He smiled softly "Because our father wasn't the best either, he never gave us names and never paid attention to us, Our fake mother Grace named us," Five said 

Wanda nodded sadly "Yeah I know the feeling, My Mother and Father didn't name me and never paid attention to me either, My Uncle Kol, Aunts Davina and Keelin, and my brother Marcel named me and took care of me," Wanda said 

The Family looked at her sadly as they took in the information about her parents, Diego really wanted to kill her parents 

"What were your parents names," Diego asked 

"Their names are Klaus and Hayley Mikaelson, My mom got the last name Mikaelson from my Uncle Elijah when they got married," Wanda said 

They were confused but didn't question it, "Another person with the name Klaus wow," Luther said making most of them laugh

"Come on Wanda, I will show you your new room," Vanya said grabbing ahold of Wanda's hand

Wanda Davina MikaelsonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ