Chapter Eight

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Klaus Mikaelson walked through New Orleans looking everywhere for Wanda even though he knew he wouldn't find her but he had to try 

He felt horrible for how he treated her and wanted to take it back but He knew there was no way to do that 

He sighed as he made his way back to the compound and ignored everyone's looks and went to his art room where he grabbed his sketchbook and pencil and started drawing his two daughters together and a few of Wanda by herself

He starred at the pictures he drew and saw a few tears drip onto the paper and realized he was crying he wiped the tears away

He just wanted her back but he knew she would be happier without him in her life so he swore that he would leave her be and let her be happy but He knew that he couldn't convince the others to leave her be and honestly he didn't want them too

All he wanted was for her to be a baby again so he could hold her and tell her how much he loved her and promise to protect her with everything in his power but that couldn't happen since there was no spell to do as he wished 

He wanted her to be happy but not without him in her life but he ruined that the day he decided to hurt her by ignoring her completely and hurting her physically 

He knew she would never want to see him again especially after everything he has done to her so he thought that this was the one thing he could do for his daughter which was letting her have her space away from him

Wanda Davina MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now