Chapter Four

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Klaus Mikaelson walked into his oldest daughters room to find it empty, He looked through her drawers and found nothing he went back to her bed and saw a note on her bed

He picked it up and opened it to see the whole paper full of Wanda's perfect handwriting and started reading it

Dear Family, if that is what you want to call yourselves, you have treated me terribly for the past 5 years, I have no idea what I did to make you hate me so much but it doesn't matter because now it is finally over and I am free of you all

Dad, you have beaten me multiple times just because I would take attention away from Hope when all I wanted was to know my dad, I wanted to paint with you and for you to hold me when I had a nightmare but instead you ignored me for Hope and pushed me away anytime I needed something. I hope you feel good about yourself for treating me the way you did, you aren't like Mikael you are worse than him and I wished I wasn't your daughter I wish that those witches did kill me when I was a baby, I wished that my grandmother would come back and finally end my misery but it never happened but now it is over because I never have to see your face anymore, I hate you Always and Forever

Klaus stopped reading after his part was over and just put his head in his hands and cried as he read that his daughter hated him and that she wished she died than stayed with him

He got up and went to Hayley seeing as her part was next and told her to read her part and she did but was confused until she started reading it

The whole family looked at Klaus and Hayley with weird faces but it went away when they saw Hayley starting to cry

Kol, Davina, Keelin, and Marcel sighed as they realized that Klaus had found the note the Wanda left

Mom, You and Dad were the same you both had beaten me like I was your punching bag, You listened to Hope every time she lied about me doing something bad when in reality it was Hope but you never believed me, You just ignored my pleas and continued to hit me, You couldn't even bother to name me, I got my name from my Uncle Kol and my Aunt Davina, I hate you mom and I am glad that I never have to see you again

Hayley cried as she handed the note to Hope, She couldn't believe how much of a monster she was to her oldest daughter, She always thought what she was doing was right but it wasn't and now she really was the monster she thought she was when the twins were babies

Hope, You were supposed to be my twin sister, my built-in best friend but you chose to hate me and to take everything from me, you watched as mom and dad hit me because you accused me of doing something that you did because you didn't want to get into trouble and you knew that they would listen to you, I am glad that I won't be bullied by you anymore

Hope couldn't believe it, She never thought she was doing anything wrong she just never wanted to get into trouble but she hurt her twin sister, She started crying

Aunt Freya, I always tried to ask you if you could teach me how to do magic but you pushed me away and continued to teach Hope even though I needed it more than her I am the oldest twin, My magic is more powerful than Hopes but you didn't care enough to see it, Aunt Davina taught me magic and I am so grateful for her, I am glad that I never have to see you again

Freya started crying, she hated herself for ignoring her niece, She could have killed herself while using magic if it wasn't for Davina 

Aunt Keelin, Thank you for taking care of me when my parents couldn't, Thank you for always cheering me up when Aunt Freya pushed me away, I can't wait until I see you again, Always remember that I love you and that I will be in your arms again

Keelin sighed happy that she finally got out of this horrible house, She was happy that Wanda finally got a family that was going to treat her the way her real family should have

Uncle Elijah, I always wanted you to teach me how to read and how to write but that never happened, you only taught Hope how to do those things but don't worry I had Marcie to teach me how to read and to write, He always told me stories of how you were considered the noble one of the family but I don't see it because you just sat there and watched as your brother beat your niece, Thank god that I won't have to see your face again

Elijah looked down disappointed in himself, He hated himself for not sticking up for his niece when his brother and his wife beat her practically to death sometimes

Uncle Kol, I love you and I hope I get to see you again soon, You are my favorite Uncle and that will never change, No one can replace the amazing Kol Mikaelson, Always remember that your siblings can't define you and that you don't have to be afraid of them you can leave them and not feel guilty for it

Kol smiled after reading his part, He loved that she wanted him to be happy and he was definitely happy that she got the family she deserved  

Aunt Davina, I love you, and please take care of Uncle Kol he can be very reckless, Don't let your ancestors tell you how to be a witch because in my eyes you will always be the most powerful witch and I am so glad that I was taught magic by you, Never forget that I love you and that we will be together again

Davina smiled and cuddled into Kol she felt Freya looking at her but she ignored it and thought about all of the memories she had with Wanda

Aunt Rebekah, I always wanted you to take me shopping and use me as your own barbie doll but you never did you always did it for Hope you even stole my dresses so Hope could have them because she saw them and thought they were cute, I hate you Rebekah

Rebekah sobbed as she realized how terrible of an aunt she was to Wanda and she hated herself for it she looked at Marcel as she handed him the letter, she wanted to speak to him but she knew it wasn't the right time

Marcie, I'm sorry that I had to leave you but I had to get out of there because they would never get better they would always hate me for no reason and would hit me just because Hope said so, Thank you for always being there for me and Thank you for being my awesome brother

Marcel thought about all the times Wanda ran to him because Klaus and Hayley had just beaten her, He always found a way to make her laugh and now he is so happy because now she will always have a smile on her face

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