Chapter Eleven

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Wanda, Amelia, Derek, and Jackson walked into the Mikaelson compound 

Wanda wanted to go alone but Amelia wanted to be there for her girlfriend and Derek and Jackson were too protective of her to let her go alone 

"Wanda" Hayley whispered and everyone heard her so they came into the courtyard 

"Who are they?" Klaus asked 

"These are my friends Derek and Jackson, and my-" Wanda started but Amelia said it instead

"Her girlfriend Amelia Shepard his sister," Amelia said pointing to Derek who shook his head 

"You have a girlfriend," Hope said smiling but it went away with Amelia's response

"Yes she does but I don't like you," Amelia said with a smirk making Klaus glare at her 

"Don't speak to my daughter like that" Klaus growled

"So you can speak to Wanda like that but I can't speak to Hope wow unbelievable" Amelia said shaking her head making the family glare at her 

"You can't date her," Hayley said not liking Amelia 

"Why because she stands up for me or because she actually likes me," Wanda said making Hayley back down 

"Wanda is here for one thing and then we are leaving," Derek said with his arms crossed

"And what is that?" Elijah asked 

"You all will leave me alone minus Kol, Davina, Keelin, and Marcel because I don't like any of you, we aren't family and never will be you all reminded me that every single day when I lived here," Wanda said looking around and everywhere she looked reminded her of a place where she broke down because of the family in front of her 

"Wanda please we have been looking for you and we want you to come home," Hope said 

"So it takes her to leave for you all to care about her" Jackson said

"Stay out of this" Elijah said but Jackson shook his head

"No Wanda is practically my sister and you all hurt her minus the four over there," Jackson said pointing to Kol, Davina, Keelin, and Marcel at the end

"Wanda this is getting out of hand, stop throwing a fit and just come home where you are supposed to be," Klaus said rolling his eyes 

Derek, Amelia, Wanda, and Jackson got scared from the voice behind them that was yelling at Klaus 

Wanda Davina MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now