the deal

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" but... what if I can't do it?" I ask "oh, then you would be fired... but then...maybe if he did like you did,and killed several people then dies, maybe you could make him your pupil or something?" My boss States, Immediately I see it, me and Jonathan, scaring the crap out of people, ' ok sock, step one: get Jonathan to start killing, step 2: get him to kill himself. Simple.' "John, come on, man a little death never killed nobody!" "For the last time, stop talking to your self and get out of my house!" He shouts at me " and I'm going to the store, so I would really appreciate it if you stayed here." 'Hurtful... I have feelings too you know...' "you know sweetie, if you do the opposite of what mephispophilis wants you to do, and instead help Jonathan, God and me might give you a second chance."

"Who said that?!" All of the sudden, a lady with white and grey hair, wearing a white gown appears. " I did, sweetie, now you gonna let me help you with your problem or what?" "Are you a-" "yes, baby, I'm an angel. And I know what's going on, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say it looks like Cupid got you with one of his arrows." She says, 'but I don't like Jonathan, I mean, yeah I'm gay, but I doubt he'll like me back...' "Anywho, I'm Annie, and I'm your after-life-angel!" I have to ask..."umm, Annie, *sigh* do you know if maybe... Jonathan... likes me too?" God, I must have been blushing like crazy, "baby,that's for you to find out, but I'll ask Cupid if he could try to hook you two boys up, when God decides to bring you back after you help Jonathan with his problem, that is." " and what is his problem?" "Oh baby, he needs a friend, someone he can trust, you know?" 'I knew it! He doesn't know how to make friends!' "But, in order to be brought back, he needs to call you his friend and actually mean it. So we have a deal?" "Hell yeah!" "Honey, language please." "Oh, sorry!"


Hey guys and girls, so this is what I have so far anyway I only own my character Annie so yeah, tell me what you guys think so far and if I should continue in the comments below! All so u choose socks path will he make Jonathan his pupil, or will sock do as Annie says and get the chance to start a new life and will Jonathan think of him as a friend or more on their way down that path?


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