You.....wait WHAT?!

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The winners of the chapter challenge are .......That_boy_over_there ! And GenesisHernandez123! CONGRATULATIONS!!


Flash back~~


"So.....just a peck on the lips.....or...."

Hehehe~ go on baby, don't be shy!" 

"Well I wouldn't be so shy if you didn't have your God damn PHONE out ANNIE!" I silently shout out at her, but she just starts laughing and giggling more. I slip in the room that she said she had sock placed in, and see him lying there. His arm was back! I try to contain my happiness, but can't stop myself from running to his side, ( God I'm blushing so much XD) "s-sock?" 

'Alright, just a peck......nothing more............oh fuck this bullshit I'm kissing him!' I place a quick kiss on his lips and back away for a second to try and comprehend what I could have just done....'oh shit! Dude what....what if that was Sock's first kiss!' "Uhh where am I...." I turn to face a sleepy sock, "oh crap he'll-" 


Before I can react, sock pounces on me. "AHHH, DUDE!" We tumble to the floor. I quickly look up to see sock on top of me hugging the heck out of me. Blushing I quickly push him off, "JON YOUR HERE!....wait where are we?"

'God damn, curse his cuteness' I think to myself, "oh....umm Jon? I'm sorry I freaked out when I saw you getting changed......i......i just got really awkward and I also I heard what you said when you were fighting mephispophilis.....and i.....oh gawd this is awkward.....look Jon..... I REALLY LIKE YOU AND I UNDERSTAND IF YOUR-" I grab him and kiss him, "I like you too dumb ass..."

Oh my gawd! So.fucking.CUTE! Heads up this is NOT the end I do plan on writing a few more chapters, and as  treat for you ppl...Ima try to write a LEMON chapter.....any way my challenge for you is based off the literal clip that started this ship so the question is what kind of socks does sock wear? First person to comment the correct answer gets mentioned in my next chapter!


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