chapter thirty-five | inside the ministry of magic

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It had been over a month since they arrived at the safe house.

By the end of July, news spread around about an ambush by the Death Eaters as Harry Potter was being moved to a safe house, resulting in the death of a member of the Order. Mary felt terrible for letting that slip her mind, but the others assured her that it wasn't her fault.

They celebrated Oliver's seventeenth birthday on the first of August, followed by more bad news: The Ministry of Magic had fallen with the death of the Minister for Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour. Violet's parents were more worried than ever, along with the two children they had with them. The other four did their best to keep calm, but they knew only things would get worse, especially for their two friends if they were still on the run.

Andrew's birthday was celebrated on the seventh, despite him not being there. Still, the four did their best to find comfort in knowing that Andrew and Violet were somewhere doing the same for Oliver on his birthday.

For the rest of August, it was nothing but sitting around and keeping up with whatever information Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton had for the teenagers. With no ideas as to where to head to next, the four were basically stuck at the safe house until they had something in mind for a place to start with a new plan.

Then, just a couple of days before September would roll around, Jacob gathered the other three after dinner.

"I think I have an idea," he told them in him and Oliver's bedroom with the door closed. "Well, it's not really an idea, but it's a start to an idea, and it's also a risky one."

"What is it?" Oliver asked.

"The Ministry of Magic," he stated. "I wonder if my father is still working there."

"Even after Death Eaters raided your home?" Eliza pointed out.

"I mean, he might not have a choice but to go back to work," Jacob said. "Anyway, if he is still working at the Ministry of Magic, then maybe he can somehow help us."

The three eyed Jacob, still unsure about the idea.

"You do realize Liza and I can't go to the Ministry of Magic, right?" Oliver asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I know, which is why Mary will come with me," he replied, turning towards her.

Mary widened her eyes. "I will? I mean, you want me to?"

Jacob nodded. "Yeah. Is that okay?"

The girl had her mouth open, still confused by his suggestion. "Well, with...You-Know-Who taking over the Ministry, there's bound to be Death Eaters know, used to be my allies."

"That's what worries me as well," Oliver added. "What if someone recognizes her?"

"We already know that'll happen," Mary pointed out. "But maybe I can talk to one of them."

"Like they'll willingly do just that," Eliza snorted.

"Which is why I won't give them a choice," Mary retorted.

Jacob nodded his head, impressed. "So it's settled, then. We'll go talk to my father and after that find one of your former Death Eater friends and see what information we can get out of them."

The others nodded their heads in agreement at this.

Eliza huffed a sigh. "So I guess Ollie and I will just have to keep a lookout, then. We might run into someone we know and maybe they can help us as well."

"Sounds like we're getting somewhere in terms of an actual plan," Jacob stated, letting out a shaky breath. "Let's just hope nothing goes wrong."


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