chapter forty-two | the betrayal

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"Do you think she's okay?" Oliver was sitting with the girls when he asked the question, pacing back and forth due to his nervousness.

Violet looked up at him and shook her head. "It hasn't been that long since she left, Ollie."

"I know, but I'm still worried, given how intense things were," he admitted.

The more he thought about their argument, the more guilty he was beginning to feel. No, he didn't want her to leave, and he wished he had made more of an effort to show her, to convince her that it was best if she stayed with him, where she was as safe as she could be. The last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt. If that were to happen...

No. He didn't want to think about that. As he did his best to forget the horrible thought, he let his pacing slow down a bit.

"Is she really that important to you, mate?" Andrew asked, throwing some wood onto the ground next to the fire. "Especially after she abandoned us to go after her Death Eater friend?"

Oliver rolled his eyes as he stopped in place and turned towards his friend. "Don't you have some more wood to get?" he asked in annoyance.

Andrew looked down at the pile of wood, then back at Oliver. "I think we've got enough."

"Well, how about that research you started over a year ago?" Eliza spoke up. "You know, the one about the Half-Blood Prince that you were so keen on knowing more about?"

"I stopped that a while ago," he stated. "Didn't get anywhere with it."

"What a surprise," Elza muttered sarcastically under her breath.

"Besides, there were more important things to worry about back then, which just happens to be relevant now," Andrew commented.

Oliver clenched his fists in annoyance. "I know where this is going, and I think you should stop right now."

"You know I'm telling the truth, Oliver. Maybe you'll eventually realize how stupid you're being for taking her side once again."

Before he knew it, Oliver pulled out his wand from his Jean pocket and aimed it at Andrew. "Don't say another word about Mary."

"Ollie, put your wand down," Violet intervened, standing up.

"You don't have it in you to hex me, mate," Andrew retorted, taking a step forward. "I have to admit, your girlfriend seems to have more balls than you."

"Andrew, that's enough!" Eliza interjected, shooting him a warning look, then standing up and heading his way. "Come on. You need to cool down."

As the two strolled away, Violet grabbed Oliver by the arm, taking him in the opposite direction. "You need to cool down as well."

"I'm fine, Vi," he tried to assure her.

"Seeing the way you were reacting when Andrew made those comments about Mary tells me otherwise."

Through the bitter air, Oliver felt his face still hot from the anger burning inside of him. "Well, she's my girlfriend. Of course I would react that way. If he was talking about you like that, Jacob would be annoyed, too."

Violet let out a small chuckle. "That's true. Merlin knows he would be fuming." She paused, looking at her friend. "It's nice to see you with someone that makes you happy."

Oliver shot her a weak smile. "Yeah, she does make me happy. I don't think I've felt this way about anyone before."

The blonde raised her eyebrows, followed by a smirk going across her face. "Well, I'm certainly glad to hear that."

When Fire Meets Gasoline | Wizarding WorldWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu