chapter thirteen | letters

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By the time Oliver and his friends made it to the Great Hall for dinner, they all parted ways and went to sit with their Houses. Oliver and Violet took their seats not too far from Luna Lovegood and Padma Patil. Both of them watched as Andrew and Eliza sat down near Harry, Ron, and Hermione, while Jacob plopped down next to Sarah and Justin Finch-Fletchley, a Muggle-born that was in their year and also a student Jacob didn't particularly care for. Justin only cared about Jacob because of his well-known family.

"Do you think your parents are going to let you stay with me for the holidays?" Violet asked Oliver, filling her plate with food.

Oliver shrugged his shoulders in response, getting some food as well. "You know how they feel about you lot, Vi."

"What, that we're the cause of your rebellious behavior?" she retorted, letting out a small scoff. "Honestly, they're ridiculous for even thinking that."

"Well, that's my parents for you," he stated.

"If they say no when you write to them, then I'll send my parents to talk to them," Violet suggested.

Oliver scoffed. "Yeah, like that'll work. They're not really into the Wizarding world stuff. I don't think your magical parents will make them change their minds."

Violet huffed a sigh in defeat. "I hate to say it, but you're right. It'll suck without you and Andy there."

"I know." Oliver hated that he and Andrew had to miss out on spending the holidays with the Hamilton family, but neither of them could help it with the way their parents were about the Wizarding world as well as magical families, much like Violet's family.

Once dinner was over for them, Oliver and Violet headed out of the Great Hall and met back up with Andrew, Jacob, and Eliza. While Jacob, Violet, and Eliza decided to take a stroll around the corridors, Oliver and Andrew made the choice to skip out on the walk.

Oliver and Andrew bid the other three goodbye and watched them run off, blending in with the crowd of students leaving the Great Hall. The two stood by the wall, leaning against it.

"Do you really think our parents will let us stay with Vi over the holidays?" Oliver asked Andrew, just to hear his opinion on it.

Andrew snorted, shaking his head. "Of course not. With their views on people like her and her family..."

"Yeah, it was a dumb question to ask," Oliver stated.

"But we can always expect gifts from her parents, just like the last few years," Andrew said.

"Also from Liza and Jake's parents as well," Oliver pointed out.

"Right," Andrew added. "They even give Sarah something as well. They know how hard we've got it, really." He paused, then went on some more. "Isn't it sad that our friends' parents look out for us more than our actual parents do?"

Oliver nodded his head. "Yeah, it is."

All of a sudden, Sarah came running towards the two boys just as excited as she could be. "Andrew!"

"Hey, you," Andrew exclaimed, bending down to give her a hug. "How's your second year?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "It's okay, I guess."

"You're staying out of trouble, right?" he asked her, raising his eyebrows. "Professor Sprout will not hesitate to chew you out."

"Oh, please. She doesn't scare me."

Oliver chuckled. "Well, you're a brave one. You should've been in Gryffindor with good ol' Andrew here."

Sarah smiled. "But I do like Hufflepuff House."

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