chapter twelve | one's theory is another one's problem

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"Wait, so Katie Bell was cursed?" Andrew asked his friends again in a hushed tone.

"Andy, that is the millionth time you've asked that bloody question!" Violet hissed.

"I just want to be sure that's what you said," he protested.

The five of them were huddled together in the corner of the library, where no one would be able to bother them. When the others told Andrew about the story of Katie Bell, he was shocked and couldn't believe it happened. So, much to the annoyance of Violet, he kept asking if she really was cursed by the necklace she was carrying.

"So, what happens now?" he questioned.

"What do you mean?" Oliver responded in confusion.

"I mean, they don't know who did it, right? So maybe they'll ban future trips to Hogsmeade."

Jacob scoffed. "Why does that matter to you? You've been banned from Hogsmeade for the rest of the year."

"Oh, piss off, Jake."

"Hey, we wouldn't have to leave you here alone if we're not allowed to go back to Hogsmeade," Eliza pointed out.

"Yeah, but going to Hogsmeade is fun, though," Oliver added.

Andrew shot a look at his friend. "I heard that."

"Good," Oliver teased.

"Okay, back to the subject of Katie," Andrew stated. "Who do you think did it?"

Oliver, Eliza, and Violet all looked at Jacob, who raised his eyebrows at them. "He's going to agree with me," he told his friends.

"Agree with you about what?" Andrew asked.

"That Malfoy and his new girlfriend are responsible for what happened to Katie," Jacob said.

Andrew let out a snort. "Oh, yeah, I can agree with you on that."

Jacob looked at the other three. "See? I told you."

Violet rolled her eyes. "Well, let's move on with the subject. My parents wrote to me recently and they wanted to invite you all to stay with us for Christmas."

"It's only October, Vi," Oliver told her.

"They just want to know and plan ahead of time," Violet replied. "Besides, they haven't seen you all in a while and they miss you."

Eliza gave a soft smile. "That's sweet of them. It's very nice of them to invite us," she exclaimed. "I'm sure my parents will let me stay with you, Vi."

"Yeah, I don't think my parents will have a problem with that," Jacob added.

Oliver and Andrew looked at each other with uneasy looks. Both of them knew their parents were not going to let them stay with the Hamilton's, so Oliver and Andrew found the idea of asking them pointless.

"I think we know what our parents will say," Andrew told them.

"Oh, come on, just ask them," Violet said, then looking at Andrew. "Even ask if Sarah can come as well. Annabel would love to have her around."

Andrew huffed a sigh. "Okay, I'll write a letter to them."

"Good," Violet stated, then turning her head towards Oliver. "You gonna try asking your parents as well, Ollie?"

Oliver reluctantly nodded his head. "Yeah, I'll write to them as well. I might as well do it now and not in two months."

Violet nodded her head in satisfaction. "Fantastic. Now, let's go to the Great Hall and eat some dinner. I'm starving."

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