Chapter 10-Welcome To Tenebra

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I reached double digit chapter numbers! I'm so proud :'D I think you guys should vote just for that ;) Hehehe

Chapter 10-Azula's POV

At some point, I must have fallen asleep again, for the next thing I knew, I was being roughly shaken awake. I groaned, unwilling to open my eyes.

                “Azula, wake up,” a voice commanded irritably.

                It took a few moments for my groggy mind to register the voice. When it did, my eyes shot open. Blinking rapidly, I rubbed at the sleep encrusting my eyes, glaring at Alpha Reynolds, who was crouched in front of me in all of his naked glory. I averted my eyes, trying to maim his face with my stare.  

                “Mornin’ sunshine,” he mumbled, grinning at my expression.

I scowled. “What do you want?” I snapped, batting his hand away from my shoulder.

                “I’m introducing you to the pack today,” he informed me, getting up from his crouch and stretching. The muscles along his chest rippled with the movement.

“It’s about time you met who you’re going to be living with from now on,” he continued, his grin transforming to a smirk, as if daring me to argue. And Moon did I want to. But somehow, I managed to refrain, knowing full well that it wouldn’t get me anywhere.

I contented myself with glowering at Reynolds, who looked mildly surprised that I wasn’t biting his head off. Choosing to ignore him, I heaved a sigh and hauled myself to my feet, grimacing when aches and pains made themselves known for sleeping in such an awkward position. I rolled my shoulders back, stopping only when I heard them click.

                “Okay, I’m ready,” I said, glancing over at Reynolds, only to find that his gaze was fixed on my breasts. I rolled my eyes.

                “My boobs are flattered with your scrutiny,” I told him sarcastically, crossing my arms across them to block his view. He looked at me like I’d just taken away his favourite toy, looking back up at my face with a pout.

                “I’m sure they are,” he said, winking. “After all, anything is lucky to have my scrutiny.”

I scowled again. “Are we meeting your stupid pack or not?” I snapped, not liking the teasing tone he was taking. Teasing in such a way implied affection, and affection was something I definitely did not feel for him. Fury? Check. Disgust? Check. Hatred? Double check.

                Reynolds grinned at me, as if to say, “you know you love me”. He held out an arm, which I, after staring at for a few moments as if it were mould, took.

                “I’m sure you’ll all get on like a house on fire,” Reynolds said as he led me to the exit. “They’re really very nice people.”

                “Yes, I remember how nice they were when they were chasing me through the forest and attacking me,” I muttered darkly.

Reynolds waved his free arm dismissively, as if that were all in the past now. As if all was forgiven.

When we stepped out into the morning sunshine, I winced at the bright light, squinting to try and see. About twenty or thirty men were all clustered outside the caves, chatting and laughing with one another as they ate their breakfast. My stomach growled at the smell of food.

Some of the pack looked familiar. I noticed Dobry sat at the edge of clearing, merely observing, while...Ash?...was right in the thick of things, talking with a large group of people. Rishon and someone who I assumed to be his twin were also sat distanced from the others as well.  

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