Six years in the past

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Third-person POV:

"Chief Virana do I have to were this it's not comfy" Fea complains "yes you do but only for a little, and please call me Auntie little one," Virana says Fea nods and runs off to play with Namaari. 

(after the orb broke)

"FEA!, FEA!," Namaari yelled trying to find my best friend and crush, "Namaari, sweety what's wrong?" her mom asked I can't find Fea," Namaari said then she saw Fea get pushed over and off the bridge and into the water. "NO!" I yell "Namaari we have to go we'll find her later I promise," Virana said picking Namaari up and running. Virana ran to the shoreline and into the water with Namaari in her arms. When the Druun was gone They came out of the water and started running "mom! what about Fea?" Namaari said "ok lay in the water and don't let the Druun touch you if they come back I'll go look for Fea" Virana said and she ran back to the shore to see Fea on the shoreline. "Fea!" She said and ran over to her "come on let's get you dry," she said going to pick Fea up "no I'll only slow you down get Namaari out of here," Fea said "I can't leave you Namaari would be crushed," Virana says "NO!" Fea says firmly, "Take Namaari and go back home if we are meant to see each other and be together again then the universe will make it happen," Fea said "But," Virana said "But nothing. GO now before it's too late" Fea said Virana stood up and looked at Fea's weak figure then she ran off scooping Namaari up and running back Home "Mummy what about Fea?" Namaari asked "she told me to go without her" Virana said. 

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