what is "super straight," and why is it transphobic?

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a/n okay i told myself i wouldn't write about this, because even talking about "super straights" is giving the transphobic creators what they want, but at the same time, i don't really listen to anybody, least of all myself, so here we are...

What is "super straightness": "Super straight" is a "sexuality" invented by heterosexuals who refuse to date trans people. They claim that they will only date cisgender people, and that since this is a selective sexuality, they can be part of the LGBTQ+ community. Well... There are a few things wrong here. First of all, not dating trans people is a preference, not a sexuality. And secondly, these "super straight" people are the same ones that are homophobic and transphobic. Obviously a sexuality centered around being transphobic isn't a part of the LGBTQ+ community- there are transphobic queers, but there are no sexualities based solely on not dating trans people.

Why this is harmful: While the "super straights" may think that this is all fun and games, really they're just deepening the divide between cishet people and trans folks. While the queer community has the trans community's back (or so I'd like to believe), having a harmful sexuality based on transphobia really isn't doing the trans community any favors among cishets. Plus, it's just hurtful in general. Simply because you happen to be trans, there's an entire group of people whose supposed "sexuality" is all about not dating you? Ouch.

Karma/the irony: Though the "super straight" movement is terrible and transphobic, we have to remember that there is a silver lining to every dark cloud. This silver lining came in the form of a flag. The "super straights" created a flag for their sexuality, and it's orange and black. What app's colors happen to be orange and black? That's right, you guessed it (probably faster than what's healthy) the Grindr colors! So while the "super straights" make a mockery of themselves with their Grindr flag and transphobic ideals, the queers and the allies can all have a good laugh :)


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