Chapter Two

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"obloha je v noci tak krásná, nemyslíš?" The young auburn haired girl sighed.

"ano, ale ne tak krásná jako ty, drahoušku."

The young girl looked into the starry Czech sky with longing. A longing to go back to the way things were.

Alec awoke with a gasp. She looked around her and realized she was back in her house. She remembered being in a strange dimly lit room last night with a strange woman.

'Who was she? I never did get her name.' Alec sat in bed thinking about last night. One thing that stuck in her mind was the woman's curiosity about her father. After about an hour of laying in bed like a lump on a log, she decided to get up and go to the coffee shop around the corner. There were 2 lines in the coffee shop. Alec stood in the shorter one. When she got to the front of her line, she glanced over at the person in the line next to her. She looked back at the woman. She was tall with beautiful auburn hair, and she was wearing a black leather jacket. She grabbed the cup off the counter and turned to walk out. As she was walking out, she looked back at alec and winked before walking out and disappearing. Alec paid for her drink with drachmas and walked out to look for the girl. All she saw was a bloody corpse in the alley and people walking up and down the streets. She shrugged it off and went on a walk. She walked to her girlfriend's house. It was over 20 miles away in the bustling city of New Orleans. She knocked on the door. No one answered so she got the key from under the mat and went in. she looked around in all the rooms. She finally found her asleep in the bedroom. Alec put her bag down on the floor and laid in bed next to her. Alec gently stroked the bridge of his girlfriend's nose.

       "Alice? Alice?" Alice inhaled sharply and gave a groaning stretch. She opened her eyes and looked over at Alec and smiled. 

"Hey, baby. What are you doing here?" 

 "Oh, I was just in the neighborhood and decided to drop by." 

"Really? You live 20 miles away. You were just in the neighborhood?" Alec sighed. 

"Alright, you caught me. I was honestly just walking along the road, lost in my thoughts, and before I knew it, I was at your door." Alice chuckled. 

"Lay with me for a while?" 

"Of course darling." Alec laid down with her arm extended to her side. Alice laid her head on Alec's chest and wrapped her arm around Alec's stomach and closed her eyes. Alec wrapped her arm around Alice's back and closed her eyes. Soon they were both asleep again. Little did they know that the girl from the coffee shop was watching them. She was crouched outside on the windowsill looking in on them with a jealous rage. She hopped off the windowsill but instead of landing on the ground, she fell right through the ground. She opened her wings and began gliding. All around her was nothing but darkness, fire, and items from the dreams of lost souls. She landed on the roof of the tallest building. She sank into the ceiling. She was walking down the hallway and listening to the wailing of lost souls. She walked into a room with nothing but a giant window and a bed with blood-red curtains. She walked out and walked a little farther down the hallway. She turned into the next room. The walls were painted with all sorts of dead baby animals. There was a sheep, a goat, a cat, a dog, a mouse, a horse, and a bird. There was a crib against one wall and a changing station on another. There were also bins in a corner with all manner of toys. She walked over to the crib. She gave the crib one final touch. It was a mobile made of knives. She picked up the baby that was laying inside. 

"Hello, Demetrius." Demetrius cooed and opened his eyes at her. 

"I've brought you something." she set him down with some of his toys and reached into her bag. She pulled out a human heart and put it in a blender with some raspberries. 

"I found this with someone outside the coffee shop I went to this morning.'' She poured the mixture into a bottle and gave it to Demetrius. He sucked it down faster than a normal baby would. She picked him up and started swaying back and forth with him. He eventually wanted to keep playing, so she put him down. He picked up his rubber match and started banging it on the floor when her dad walked in. 

"Welcome home, Nyxandra." 

 "It's Nyx, dad." she snapped venomously. 

"Your progeny is looking for you." "

Well, I don't want or need to see her." 

"that might be a problem. She followed me." her progeny entered the room. 

"Nyx! I've missed you!" her progeny quickly pulled Nyx close to her and planted a searing kiss on her lips. quicker than light Nyx pinned her on the wall by her neck with her feet off the ground. 

"IF YOU EVER PULL A STUNT LIKE THAT AGAIN SO HELP ME ZEUS, I WILL TEAR YOUR THROAT OUT AND FEED YOUR HEART TO MY SON!" she yelled ferociously showing two razor-sharp fangs. Demetrius was laughing when Nyx put her progeny back on the floor. She retracted her fangs and walked back into her son's room and with a whip of fire from her palm, she made all his things disappear into the bag she brought with her. She then wrapped him up in a blanket and looked at her progeny tara, and her father, hades. She had a straight face and in an undertoned voice, she spoke one last word to them. 

"Ciao." she began to float up through the ceiling. She looked down at Demetrius.

 "We are not gonna miss them at all, are we baby? No were not." he giggled and cooed at her. She floated up on land again and started walking for her apartment with little Demetrius cuddled in her arms. 

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