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"Not lovebirds, huh?" Dream elbowed his best friend a bit, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Dude shut up." Nick responded, shoving his friend a bit to the side.

"No," Clay began, "I dont think I will stop." He proudly responded, earning a scowl from Nick, but he still wasnt done.

"I won't stop because when I liked George I never heard the end of it from you." Clay spoke in a very 'matter of fact' voice, meanwhile nick was staring daggers into him. If looks could kill, Dream would be dead on the floor.

"You teased and teased until I finally broke and admitted it, so that's what's gonna happen with you." He declared the last part as if it was the law or something.

"Yeah but I dont like Karl." Nick simply stated, staring at Dream like he had just said something absurdly strange.

"Uh-huh." Dream responded as they walked into class.

"But you don't really believe that," Dream looked at him as if he was pleading for him to say something, "right?"

They walked towards their usual spot and sat next to eachother at the two person desk.

"Of course not dude, Karl's my best friend, and nothing more." Nick stated, as if it was obvious.

"What scent is his shampoo Nick?" Dream abruptly asked.

Nick quirked his eyebrow at his friend. "Why do you-" Nick started to Express his confusion, but was cut off.

"Just answer the damn question."

"Okay okay, fine." He gave in, still confused.

"Strawberry shampoo, conditioner, and body was, all bought from The Body Shop." Nick listed, as if it was common knowledge.

"Oh my god Nick, you're hilarious." Dream wheezed out.

"What?" Nick shouted, STILL confused, at his tea kettle of a friend.

Nick tried and tried, but all he could get out if Dream was a, "You're so stupid!" followed by more wheezing.



George, Karl, and Alex arrived at their class and sat down at their table fairly quickly, as per usual, but when they sat down, George and Akex simply stared at Karl like he was supposed to confess something.

"What?" Karl looked back and forth from the two boys, confused.

"Are you gonna tell us about it or not?" Alex harshly and excitedly questioned.

"Tell you about what?" Karl was still confused as to why his friends where expecting to hear about something, and not to mention what they were expecting to hear about.

"About your crush in Nick of course!" George shouted, sounding overly excited.

"About my wha- Why does everyone think I like Nick?" Karl slightly raised his voice and threw his arms in the air, sounding kind if annoyed.

"Because you do like Nick, it's not like you try and hide it or anything though." George stated.

"Yeah," Akex added, laughing, "you guys are always like, at eachother houses and are all over eachother all the fucking time. Its fucking obvious you have a thing for eachother."

"That doesn't mean anything!" Karl shouted, "You're always with George, but that doesn't mean you guys have a thing for eachother!"

"Touche." Alex sat back with his arms crossed.

George sighed and put his elbows on the table, leaning in, as he did so he intertwined his fingers and looked straight at Karl.

"Why do you like being around Nick? Why is he your best friend?"

Karl thought for a moment and then answered, "Well, hes really fun to be around, and hes really nice and funny, and I can always talk to him, and he makes me happy- Oh! And he always smells like fire and Maple. Also his eyes are just a beautiful grayish navy blue colour that seem to sparkle in the moonlight. And his hairs always really fluffy and soft, and..."

Karl went on and on about how great Nick was and why he liked him, he propped himself up with one arm and just stared out the window and talked until George intersected finally.

"Okay, okay, I've heard enough." He looked Karl straight in the eyes and booed his nose. "You have a crush on your best friend."

Karl looked back at George with wide eyes and his face flared up, cheeks growing redder and redder having just realized what he did.

"Oh honk," Karl stared up at his friends, a look of slight panic plastered over his face, "I have a crush on my best friend."

"Okay, so we're that far, cool!" Alex exclaimed, "Now all you've gotta do is tell him!"

"Uhm, no!" Karl shouted, sounding like he was about to stab out his friends eyes or cry, most likely the second one. "I will not be telling him!"

"Well why not?" George butted in, obviously confused.

"Because even if I do like him he's still not into guys!" Yep, it was definitely the second one.

"Says who?" Alex bluntly asked.

"What do you mean 'says who'? Its Nick! And I'm his best friend, if he was he would tell me, right?" Karl crossed his arms and slumped down in his chair, gazing the boys in front of him with a look of confusion and something that resembled desperation.

"Well I dont know," George started, looking at his nails, "I didnt tell Clay I was gay because I was scared he would find out I liked him."

He looked up and met eyes with Karl, "Maybe that's what Nick's doing."

"Or maybe he hasn't even admitted it to himself." Alex pitched, "He could just be in denial, you never know." He shrugged.

Before the conversation could go any further the boys heard the bell wring, ending all conversation.

The teacher stood in front of the class and began to speak, but Karl couldn't pay attention to it.

All he could do is fiddle with the sleeve of the hoodie that belonged to the boy he most definitely liked.

Karl sank down into the large clothing item, being embraced by the comforting, and now slightly alarming, smell.

All he could think about was one thing;

He was completely and utterly honked.


Heyyyyy guysssss, sooo yeah, it's been three days, but like, two people ACTUALLY read this, so it's not a big deal right??

Well anyways, school has been a pain in the arse to deal with and I absolutely hate it here :)

Okay not really, but you get it

I hate having adhd, it only makes my life harder.

Lmao, I was undiagnosed for 13 years and it started to get really bad in the past year, so we went to the doctor and they were like, "lmao, you're fucked, lol. If the stuff we give you doesn't work then you've gotta go see a physiatrist, lol have fun."

So that's great

Hahahaha we love mental illness

Okay that's all, I'll probably update in the next couple days, but being at school really slows down my writing, so sorry if it takes a bit.

Oh! Also, if you have any criticism, I would absolutely love it. I am 100% open to criticism, I'm always looking to improve my writing.

Alright, I'm going to go to sleep because I've been awake for 17 hours on 4 hours 30 mins of sleep, so that's not good.

Remember to eat food, drink water, and commit arson. You are so very important, and I love you. Goodnight kids. <3


1038 words (without a/n)

《°♡•Cloud 9•♡°》 ||Karlnap Highschool AU Song Fic||Where stories live. Discover now