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"When the nation was blown up the second time, they decided it was time to let it go, and start anew." The teacher finished up his sentence right as the final bell rang, releasing the students from their eight hour day.

Nick grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, headed for the door.

He didnt have to wait for any friends, because Alex drove the "children" home and "Gream" had their last class together, so Karl and Nick would just walk to the truck separately.

He made his way down the familiar hallways rather quickly, and in no time he was out the side door of the building.

He looked around and could already see Karl sitting on the hood of the truck, messing with his nails.

Nick smiled at the boys cute habit, it was mostly mindless, really, but Nick still adored it.

He continued his walk speedily ended up in front if the truck, looking up at Karl.

"Hi!" Karl exclaimed, hopping off the hood, "How was your day?"

Nick shrugged, "It was pretty alright, honestly I just couldn't wait to be able to get out and hang with you."

"Are you gonna chill at my house for a bit?" Karl questioned, quirling an eyebrow at his friend.

"Yeah," Nick smiled at the smaller boy in front of him, "that was the plan."

Karls face immediately had a wide smile plastered on it, "Coolio, let's get home then!"

He bounced himself over to the truck door and practically flung himself into the passenger seat.

Nick simply walked over and tugged his door open, sitting in the seat and inserting the key.

The familiar noise of an engine starting flooded their ears, and in no time they were off.

They pulled up to Karl's house in a few short minutes.

Grabbing their things, they made their way to the door.

Nick turned the door knob and opened the door for Karl. (A gentlemen, woooow)

"Once again, thank you sir." Karl nodded to Nick, referring to the morning.

"My pleasure." Nick chuckled at Karl as they put their bags down by the door in the entry way.

"Karl, Nick? Are you boys home?" That could hear Karl's mom shout from the kitchen.

"Yes Mom, we're here!" Karl replied. And with that his mother popped her head out of the kitchen. Apon seeing both of the boys her face lit up and she ran to embrace them.

"How was school you two?" She questioned as she released them.

"It was pretty good, nothing unusual really happened." Karl shrugged.

"Well yeah, besides the fact that we didn't completely reek havoc on the school today." Nick chucked out, looking at the lady in front of him.

"Is it bad I'm disappointed that you didn't? Does that make me a bad mom?" She pondered, putting her finger on her chin, "Well whatever." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"I'm gonna let you guys go hang out now," she put one hand on each of the boys shoulders and smiled warmly, "if you need me, you know where I am." Ams with that she began to head back to the kitchen.

"Alright, bye!" Karl cheerily responded, waving in her direction.

He then grabbed Nick's wrist and began to practically drag him to his room, "Come on," his voice rang, "we gotta go find something to do!"

《°♡•Cloud 9•♡°》 ||Karlnap Highschool AU Song Fic||Where stories live. Discover now