Chapter 45

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We finally get the result back and they weren't his, which means we have an imposter

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We finally get the result back and they weren't his, which means we have an imposter

"Now what boss," Harry says

"We need to figure out who the imposter is, duh," Josh says

"No and yes..." I say as they look at me confused "yes because we do need to find out who we're dealing with but no because if we find out they might change the plan that they have right now"

"Huh?" Josh says

"Let's say they want to kidnap Bella in 3 days if we find out who they are they might move it to 1 day instead of 3 days"

"Oh ok, so what do you propose we do boss," Harry asked

"I think I should tell my brothers and go from there"

"So when all this is over can we meet her," Josh says

"No comment, alright let's go"

I stand up as they stay sitting looking at me in shock

"Let's go," I say raising my voice a little

"Yes boss," they say and stand up and we leave the hospital and head to the secret base

I get out the car and hear someone yell "BOSS IS HERE"

We walk up to the door, it opens and we walk in then Andrew comes down the stairs

"How nice of you to stop by boss"

"I have something that needs a little more digging and who's better to dig up the dirtiest than you"

"Well I appreciate you thinking of me for this task," he says taking his last step

"Josh and Harry shift change is going to happen in..." I look down at my watch "5 minutes I need you two to make sure everybody is there while I deal with this problem"

"Yes boss," they say and leave

"If you would follow me, please," Andrew says walking down a hallway

I follow him down the hallway that leads to his office. Andrew watches this section, we have a lot of property and we can't watch all of it so we have leaders for each section and Andrew is one of them

"So what do need me to do boss"

"So what do need me to do boss"-------------------------------

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