Chapter 46

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"I need you to figure out who this person is," I say giving him a paper the doctor gave me

"Sure thing," he says as he takes the paper

"Call me when you found out who it is"

"Yes boss"

I walk out the room and into the foyer and out the door. I go around check on some of the members, making sure positions are in line, when I get a call, I answer the phone


"Mason where are you" I hear Sam say

"A place, why"

"Don't play where are you"

"Like I said a place, now what do you want"

"Asshole, bell called a family meeting in 30, so get you ass back h, ere," he says as he hangs up


It's been 30 minutes since I gave Andrew that paper I wish he would hurry the fuck up. 10 minutes go by and I get a call

"Boss, I just finished," Andrew says

"On my way," I say as I hang up the phone head back to the main house

Once there I don't even listen to what he saying I grab the paper he handed me and walk out of the room, call Gary other men of our since harry and josh are covering shifts

"Yes boss"

"I need you to bring a car around and take me home, now"

"Yes, on my way boss"

"You have 3 minutes" I hang up

He pulls up, I get in the car and start reading

"DNA matches a Nate Robinson, an orphan since 4. Parent death unknown. Further information unknown"

I look at the back but blank. That's it just a fucking name and that he's a fucking orphan. Great

Present Day

Bella POV

Did he say, Nate Robinson? Like Mr.Robison from my old school, not the one my brother sent me to but the one I went to when mom was alive

"Rubbing rob" I whisper to myself as everybody still trying to figure how they didn't realize Mason was gone for 2 days

"What did you say," Sam says looking at me

I look at Mason "ca-can I see that paper"

"Why, I just read it to you"

"Can I just see it, please" he hands me the paper and I read in my head

"Nate Robinson, orphan, parent death, unknown information. Like a ghost. Seen but not noticed"

flashbacks of how he used to talk to my mom, how uncomfortable she felt when he talked to her. How every morning he would ask about my mom

"She changed my classes" I whispered

"What are you talking about bell," Liam says

"Do you know who he is?" Noah says

"But why would he," I say



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