Chapter 1

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"Mooommm" I yell from the front door

"Here I come honey," she says coming down the stairs. When she gets to the last step she hugs me tight

"I love you and no matter what happens I will always love you," she says kissing my forehead

"I love you too mom make sure to lock the door," I say kissing her cheek and walking out the door

"Have fun"

"I will" and with that, I get in the car with my friends and we drove off

------------4 hours later---------

"Guys I have to go home it's 8:15"

"Come on just a little longer," Jess says with a pout

"Take me home, I'm ready to go to bed"

"Uhh your no fun," Chole says and we walk to the car and Jess drives me home

"Bye see you later"

"See you later guys," I say waving and walk to my door to unlocking my door

It's unlocked, I walk in, put my keys down, and start walking up the stairs

"Mooom I'm home". No answer I try again

"Moomm," I say walking into her room to see her on the floor DEAD, blood surrounding her body, I run over to her

"Mom no no no, mom come on stay with me," I say pulling my phone out to call 911 that when I notice she was reaching for something under her bed I push it under the bed

"Come on mom don't leave me you can't leave me," I say crying

"911 what's your emergency"

"My mom she's dying"

"Do you nowhere the blood is coming from"

"No, please just send an ambulance"

"The ambulance is on its way can you feel a pulse"

I feel her wrist nothing, her neck nothing. I cry harder

"There no pulse" and with that, I hang up. And I cry while holding her body. A few minutes later the ambulance and ops (yall call them cops) arrive

"Ma'am you can let go now"

"No, I can't"

"Please Ma'am we have to take her"

"Ma'am we need you to come with us"

I look up to see two ops looking at me. Then a female kneeled in front of me

"Sweetie what's your name"


"And how old are you, Isabella"


"Isabella how bout you come with me so we can let these men do their jobs"

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