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Fluke despises his life. Maybe not a whole lot, but he despises the thought that he can't seem to get what he wants and that everything seems to be spiraling out of control for him. He had a terrible day at work today, (this actually happens every day), in addition to the other normal and boring things he does. Just when he thought everything would be perfect once he received his degree. The only thing keeping him going right now is his friends Prem and Earth, with whom he gets together once a week after work to drink and have a good time.

If only he had an option to change his life.

"Hey you guys," Fluke greets his friends before settling in between them.

"Hey, How was work today?" Prem asks listlessly as he shakes his glass.

"No change... My boss told me off for passing a contract late. I have to leave early because I have a presentation scheduled for tomorrow. What about you?"

"Oh, I'm afraid my boss is about to fire me... I've been struggling these days. I hate my life."

"Awwwww..." The two turn their attention to Earth, who just made a sound. His gaze is fixed on the phone's screen.

"Oh, what's he doing?"

"He's reading fan fiction," Prem replies.

"Really? What is it about?" Fluke moves to take a glance at Earth's screen.

"It's a YachtSammy AU!" Earth exclaims. "Aww... I feel so jealous, I wish I could be Sammy." He adds.

"Even so, you should know that the real YachtSammy isn't like that," Prem says in a mocking tone. 

"Isn't that why it's called 'Alternate Universe'?"

Fluke chuckles and pats Prem's shoulder as he says, "I told you not to argue with him." 

"But, just a question, do you guys believe in parallel universes, other-selves, or something like that?" Earth asks.

"I'm not sure. I mean, nothing is impossible." Fluke honestly answers.

"Sometimes I have dreams that have nothing to do with me... As if I were a swimmer or a friend of an artist... I don't even know how to swim. They said it may be my other self, who is a swimmer in another world."

"Really? Whoah! then my other self must be a well-known fashion icon who's adored by all."

Fluke pauses for a moment to think. Is there another him? Even though he does not rule out any chance, but he doesn't think he has one. He never had a dream of himself doing anything else, as far as he recalls. It was all about him being chased by zombies, which he believes happens because he likes watching thriller movies. Well, zombies don't exist, do they?

"You know what, if other Prems and I get a chance to talk, I'm pretty sure they'll laugh at me because I'm their loser self. I don't think things are going well in my life right now." Prem frowns before drinking on his glass.

"Hey, don't say anything like that... Who knows, maybe you're better than them in some... ways..." The uncertainty shows in Fluke's tone, making Earth laugh and Prem roll his eyes.

It must be true that time flies so fast when you're having a good time. Since they had to leave early, they just decided to order three bottles of beer. After hours of talking, laughing and catching up, they decided to go home. Despite this, Fluke is happy that he was able to relieve stress by spending time with his friends, even though it was just for a short time.

"I swear I'm going to kill y'all if I still don't get promoted after this."

"Hey, don't do that, too much. Maybe just kick them in the ass...haha right"

"As if you can do that, you pathetic shit."

"Even just a week of vacation..."

Fluke mutters to himself as he walks down to their house, cursing his life; all he wants to do is have some fun with his friends even just once a week, but here he is, going home early and being his company's slave. He's actually accomplishing quite a lot, but his irritable coworker continues to take credit for his efforts, while his boss, on the other hand, keeps piling up work for him.

"I'm home, Mom." Fluke spots his mother seated on the couch, watching television.

"Oh, son," Fluke's mother says, turning her head to look at him. "Have you eaten yet?"

Fluke responded, "Yes, mom." he smiles, "I'm going to my room now."

"All right, sweetie, good night," His mother responds before returning to what she's doing.

Fluke sighs and heads to his room, where he will take a quick shower before he starts doing his work. This is how boring and repetitive his life is on a daily basis. Going to work, and even the time at home that should be spent with family still have to spend by working.

Will things ever be different?

"...affordable price..."

He's on the middle of making the presentation when suddenly, the possibility of having another him enters his mind again.

"Is this something my other self is doing as well?" He starts asking his self.

"Is he a millionaire who doesn't have to work?"

"Is he having a good time, unlike me...?"

Feels envious for no reason. Why does he suddenly want to live another person's life?

"Argh. Stop thinking of silly thoughts and get the job done!!..... or sleep.."

"Yes, right!" Fluke gets up from his seat.

"You know what? I'm so tired of dealing with everyone including this STUPID presentation." he takes a deep breath before continuing, points his finger at his laptop's screen.

"You! Do yourself because I'm going to sleep!"

He yells with his eyes narrowing before he marches to his bed and sleeps.

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