cinderella: maddy perez

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if cinderella was a boy, nate jacobs would win first place. being severely mistreated by his blood family left him with psychological effects that couldn't be helped. 

to nate jacobs, if anyone was cinderella it would be his little sister, y/n. she had everything he hated in a girl (and yes, even body hair ). his damaged head left him being able to hurt her. he could. his mom was never around mentally and his dad was being his disgusting self. 

the same psychological effects lay in y/n's head too, thanks to him. he, however was lucky enough to be as stable as he could be. 

y/n hated and loved her big brother for many reasons that she repeated in her head daily:

~she hated the bruises he left

~she loved that he's been able to protect her from their dad for so long

~she hated him for his excessive use of misogyny thrown directly at her

~she loved that he cared enough to try and make her smile, even if it was indirect

~she hated him for leaving her alone for long periods of time

~she loved it when he played bowie in the other room when she had a nightmare

~she hated that he wouldn't protect her anymore

~she hated him for loving maddy perez

maddy perez was an angel, even if she didn't show it to anyone but her. 

she always came into the room when she had a nightmare, even if she was only in her brother's t-shirt. 

she'd watch movies with her to help her calm down after a psychological meltdown. she even remembered her favorite movie was cinderella with lily james.

she took time out of her day to spend time with her and show her the love she so deeply craved. she had patience to make out the words she couldn't say.

she'd loved maddy perez, even if she wasn't an angel. but, she had to choose her own cinderella, and that was nate. she'd always go back to nate. 


today, y/n hated her brother with every fiber of her being. 

she was strong enough to get out of bed. she could walk down the stairs if she clutched the banister tight enough.

she felt able enough to eat a full bowl of fruit loops. 

she turned her back for one second and the bowl is gone, replaced with an apple and the sound of nate slamming the door. 

she clutched the sides of the island weakly and let out a dry sob. her tears of exhaustion turned to tears of anger and fear and sadness. 

she grabbed the apple and chucked it against the wall, smashing it. her arm felt heavy after that.

adrenaline went through her veins as she ran up the stairs and closed the door to her room loudly. it didn't matter. no one was home. 

she grabbed one of the weights nate had given her and chucked it to the wall, denting it. books, photos, jewelry, all gifted by nate were all thrown and ripped and broken. 

she grabbed a record, ready to throw before pausing. bowie was in a boxing stance, looking ready to throw some punches. 

he remembered her favorite album was let's dance. 

she looked at her closet, seeing a yellow suitcase from a family trip to new york years ago. with much struggle she lifted it and placed it on her bed. 

inside were all the clothes she'd wanted to wear again.

a two piece exercise set she was going to wear for cheerleading tryouts? nate diminished her confidence the morning of. she didn't even go to school that day.

a white sundress she wore to a party? nate said she looked like a whore.

a pretty grey dress maddy had given her for her first date? nate beat up the girl then proceeded to hurt her for kissing her cheek.

so many memories that were so amazing only to be ruined by him.

she took out the neatly folded clothes and placed the record on top of it. 

with the adrenaline she had left she grabbed a trash bag and placed everything she'd thrown into it. she placed that atop the pile.

all of her wardrobe was hanging in her closet, not even taking up half the space. she swept all of it into her arms before placing it into the trunk. she placed her second pair of shoes in the little gap along with her feminine necessities.

she closed it and looked at it for a long while before placing it by the side of her bed, along with the pile. 

a little nap couldn't hurt.


from- junebug <3

i love you. 

 maddy smiled before sending a quick heart back to y/n while her and nate were walking to his house. what she failed to see as she walked through the door,  was the green bubble instead of the regular blue. 

nate was downstairs, making popcorn for a movie night they had planned (which was obviously going to lead to sex, not that she minded.)

maddy went to y/n's door like she always did when she came over, and knocked on it. 

the younger girl didn't answer, so she suspected she was taking a nap. she quietly opened the door to peek in and saw no y/n, but a pile of clothes and a trash bag. 

intrigued, maddy went up to the pile and saw sticky notes upon each item.  

on a bowie album, it read: thanks for remembering

on a grey dress maddy remembered gifting to her, it said: i can't talk to her anymore in fear of what you did.

on and on, until she reached the trash bag. a white sticky note said: i just can't seem to be able to love you anymore

she saw writing on the back and flipped it over: i know you'll always choose him. either way i'll keep loving you, even almost 3,000 miles away. your junebug <3

maddy stared at the note, feeling numb. 


nate was at the door, looking at her with slight concern, "what's wrong?"

she looked at him for a blank moment before shoving past him and out the door. the sticky note lay on the ground.

nate didn't follow her, only stared at the room. 


maddy was a good block away when she heard nate's scream. 

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