Valentines day❤️

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Next day it was Valentine's Day ( I am so sorry for making the Valentine's Day like a month after🥲) you got up really excited and woke Vic up. You guys got ready for the day and went to go eat breakfast. After you guys were done eating breakfast Vic took you to the beach and they where renting horses so Vic got two for you and him could ride one because horses are your favorite animal.
Vic- I rented some horses for we can ride in the water for two hours
Y/n- OMG thank you I love horses
Then you gave him a kiss
You guys where riding the horses in the water and you guys took pictures and had the best time. But then the fun was over and you guys took the horses back and then you guys went shopping.
Vic- I'm getting hungry maybe we should go eat and after head back to the hotel because we go back home tomorrow morning
Y/n- okay yeah
After like half an hour you guys went to a restaurant and you guys where there for like 2 hours talking but then you guys headed back to the hotel because it was getting late.
When you guys got back you guys gave each your guys presentes
Y/n- yes do you like it?
Vic- yes this is so nice and people can know I'm taken by the best lil toxica out there 💞
When I heard Vic say that i got so happy because he is happy that I got him a hat with My name.
After we gave each other our presents we went to sleep because we had to be at the airport tomorrow morning.

(I am sorry this one is short and not that interesting but in the next one I'll make it longer and thank you guys so much for 400 views 💞)

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