James 5:13

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James 5: 13
Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms.

This verse tells us to pray when we are in trouble and praise God when we are happy.
God asks us to take all our troubles and worries and lay them at His altar.
We spend so much time crying and complaining about our troubles rather than praying and giving it all to God.
Crying is never going to solve the problem but prayer will so we must learn to give all your problems to God through prayer.
Thanksgiving is also an important aspect we should never forget.
The Bible tells us to give thanks to God in all things.
You may not have the answer to your prayer yet but the fact that you are alive is something to be thankful for.
We must be thankful because God continues to bless us when we are always thankful to Him and praise His name.

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