Morning Sickness

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Less than a week later we were packed and ready to relocate to Alexandria. Rick and Deadpool had a home there. It was where Nugget was comfortable, and there was more space available. It also suffered the most destruction from the war with the Saviors so we loaded up a wagon and a few horses.

Our only doctor turned obstetrician was enthusiastic about the relocation. Personally, I think he was just excited to have a whole house dedicated to his craft rather than a single room. The thought of Sid occupying the house, the occupation, that Denise once had made my chest ache.  I couldn't imagine how hard it was going to be for Tara.

"Ya gotta pick Red."

I eyed the horse whose reigns he was holding then the wagon we stole from the Smithsonian that probably belonged to Jesus. The entire contraption was held together with nothing but termites and dreams.  If my options were ridding a demon or sitting on a rotten piece of wood destined to impale me I was choosing door number three.

"I'll walk."


"I could make it."

That was a bold-faced lie. This morning I barely made it to the bathroom before throwing up for 20-minutes. I'd be lucky if I made it to the gate before I was wheezing like an asthmatic rhino.

"Bullshit," Daryl countered, daring me to fight him.

"Fine you dictator, I'll take the giant dog."

He ignored my jab, handing me the reigns. The animal stomped its front hoof in agitation. Clearly, he wasn't any more excited about door number one than I was. 

"Ya know, by now we should've found at least one horse that don't hate ya."

"Law of averages?"

He smirked, "Damn straight." He raised his eyebrows, interlacing his fingers and bending over slightly. "Need a boost?"

"I would rather die," I replied, holding my chin high. I grabbed the pommel with confidence I didn't feel, and stuffed my foot into the stirrup before I could talk myself out of it.

"With the way ya ride that's always a possibility."

"I heard that!" He snorted, swinging onto his own horse like some kind of goddamn horse jockey. "No one likes a show-off."

"Yur just jealous."

I was jealous, extremely jealous.  It would be a miracle if I made it to Alexandria without serious bodily harm. I eyed the beast I was on top of warily. Like he could feel my gaze he turned his massive head slightly, rolled his eyes, then spit on the ground.  If this was a dick measuring contest I think he won in a landslide.

It was official, I was gonna die and it wasn't even going to be cool.

"Alright everyone, listen up," Rick announced using his Rick-tator-ship voice, "You know the drill. Stay together and stay alert. If we run into any trouble I want Daryl, Merle, Jesus, and Aaron to stay with Michonne and Alex."

Did he just say what I thought he said?

"Everyone else, you know what to do."

I glared at Rick who genuinely looked confused by my reaction as he stopped on his horse next to me.

"What the shit was that?"

"What?" he replied, genuinely confused.

Before he could answer Deadpool trotted up beside her baby daddy and cracked her knuckles. I had a mean murder face, but it held nothing on the deadly scowl she was sporting. When she reached for her sword I decided it was time to exit stage left before I lost a limb.

Red ~ TWD (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now