Don't Mess with the Mojo

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"Are you saying you agree with Carl?" T asked, outraged.

No, he wasn't just outraged he was downright befuddled.

Shaking my head I glanced at him, "I'm saying you're both wrong."

"What? You can't do that. It's like not voting in the general election and then bitching about the president."

"I never said I didn't have an opinion on the matter," I clarified, "I'm simply saying both you and Carl are idiots." T looked at me expectantly as we continued trudging through the woods towards town. "Entertaining Superman as the greatest superhero to ever live is just ridiculous. He  literally cries and gets the shit kicked out of him anytime he's near  green rocks. So Carl's argument that he's indestructible is moot." T  weighed my thinking before nodding his head in agreement. "And Batman  has absolutely no superhero powers to speak of. He's just some rich, man whore with too much time on his hands."

T inhaled sharply,  "You better shut your mouth boo-boo, that's blasphemy! He has the  Batmobile, nothing is cooler than the Batmobile!"

"Dude, it's a car, get over it." Men.

"Fine little Miss Know-It-All, who is the best superhero ever?"

"Wonder  Woman." T's steps faltered and he tripped. Clearly he wasn't  following. "Hear me out, while Superman is in the corner rocking because  there are rocks nearby, and Batman is trying to figure out why his checking account is on hold, Wonder Woman is out there kicking ass and  taking names." T righted his steps and continued walking next to me in silent contemplation. I was getting to him. "She's a demigod. In case you need a refresher, that's an immortal who can literally, Kill. A. God. Plus, she has the lasso of truth, the bracelets  of submission, and a boomerang tiara. Please explain to me how anyone beats that?"

Even I was envious of the boomerang tiara, so freaking  cool.

Before T could even form a rebuttal argument Daryl turned  around swiftly, looking none too pleased if his face was anything to go  by.

"Do you two ever stop yur caterwauling?"

His words said question, but my instincts were telling me it was purely rhetorical. Well, that and the fact he subconsciously wrapped his  finger around the trigger of his crossbow. Best to keep quiet and hope he shot at T first so I had time to get away. If there was ever a time for a boomerang tiara it was now.

Without  waiting for an answer he swiftly pivoted on his heel, stalking forward through the dense brush, leaving us to follow. Peering over at T I could tell he was baffled.

"It means talking," I explained.

"That man should come with subtitles."

I  barked out a laugh and Daryl threw a stony glare over his shoulder. Holding my hands up in surrender I locked my mouth shut with a pretend key then threw it over my shoulder for good measure. He exhaled sharply, mumbling something inaudible as he continued on.

It  wasn't so much that Daryl was anti-social. It was more that he was  anti-people. For the first half hour of our walk into town I was on my best behavior in an effort not to annoy him, any more than usual. Then T told me about the superhero dilemma between him and Carl, and I just couldn't keep quiet. Well, that, and I got bored trying to be good.

The  three of us were on a run for supplies, mainly food, which was in seriously short supply, but also for heavier clothes. The majority of  the group was laughably unprepared for the upcoming winter.

Then there  was Lori to consider. Pregnant Lori, walking around and creating life on a daily basis in the middle of the apocalypse. I found a book that said  the parasite inside of her was the size of a lima bean at the moment, and I promptly started calling said parasite Nugget. She was less than  thrilled and mad pregnant women were scary so I tried to only say it  behind her back out of courtesy. While the state of affairs in her uterus was a true medical miracle it was also a reminder of how ill prepared we were for Nuggets' impending arrival which would eventually be a baby once it was done being a lima bean.

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