Part 4

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Sniper's P.O.V

"Not again." I groaned. I leaned against the wall in pain.

"Baby, are you ok?" Rin asked him. She's cute when she's worried about me.

"Excuse me, are you ok?" Me and Rin both looked up to see a girl with mint colored hair. Who the hell is this, girl?

"Oh, my apologies. I know Masks usually aren't able to converse." She said. Is this girl an idiot?! I lifted my gun and pointed at her.

"You really think you can talk to a mask like that? I'll show you despair." I thought. I was about to shoot until the commander stopped.

Commander: "Halt unnecessary action." The voice said.


"Yu— Sniper mask?" I heard Rin.

"-I, um... sorry." The girl had her hands up.

Commander: "It is unnecessary to push this human to the edge of despair. This human has already reached the level close to God." It said. What the hell? What is this command?

Commander: "This realm is a facility to create God."

"What do you mean "God?" I need specifics." I thought.

Commander: "It is unnecessary for an Angel to interfere with the one close to god."

"So, um, I was just wondering if you're okay?" The girl asked.

"Sniper Mask, are you able to here me right now?" Rin asked as she stood in front of me.

Controller: "This realm is a facility to create a God. Those who wear the masks are "Angels" and must perform the task of bringing humans closer to God."

"Sniper Mask, please put the gun down." I turn my head at Rin and back at the girl. I slowly lowered my gun and relaxed a little.

"Well, good. You seem to be all right. I seem to be at a loss at present." She said.

"This woman is close to God? What could that mean? Well, whatever." I thought.

"Hey. Can I ask you something?" I said.

"So you can speak, sir?" She started blushing. I felt Rin behind me hold on to my jacket.

"My name is Kuon Shinzaki. Well, I was scared, and..." Is she starting to cry?

"Hey, wait..." I tried to stop her from crying but it was to late.


As we started walking across the bridge Rin grabbed my hand. She either wants my attention or she's Jealous. Once we crossed I sat down against the wall. Rin sat down and faced me along with the girl. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it before taking a puff.

"That's bad for you." Rin said.


I was smoking outside of a house when Rin showed up and walked up to me.

"Yuka, I really hate when you smoke. It's bad for you." She said as I blew out the smoke. Then Rin turned and started walking away. I grab her her wrist and spin her around.

"Ok, baby. I'll stop smoking." I told her. I threw my cigarette on the ground and crushed it with my foot.

"Really? For me?" She smiled at me as I nodded.

"I'd do anything for you." She grabbed my face and kissed me. Temporarily putting me in a shocked state before I started kissing her back. I love this girl.


Another flashback of me and Rin. It's like she's triggering them somehow when she does or says something.

"Well, Mr. Mask, if you're okay with it, could we perhaps operate as a unit?" She asked. I tense at the name she said.

"Don't call me that, please." I quickly told her. I look over at Rin and she was blushing. I took another puff from my cig to calm my nerves. That was weird.

"May I ask why?"

"I promise, you don't wanna know." Rin said making me smirk.

"Well what do you say? I'm getting anxious being on my own." She said.

"Sorry, but I've got obligations here too. You're better off searching for some human to team up with." I said standing up.

"Oh, I see. Understood." Kuon said. I held my hand out to Rin and she grabbed it to help herself get up.

"There's a pair of high school girls just like you. Come we'll search with you for a bit." Rin stayed holding my hand as we walked.

"But that's assuming they're still alive." I told her.

"Yes!" She cheered and followed.

Rin's POV

Ok, this girl acts like I don't even exist. I'm acting really nice but on the inside, I WANNA PUSH HER OFF THE BUILDING!... Anyways, she seems to already have a crush on my boyfriend but I'll let it go for now.

She's actually really pretty. I wonder if Yuka thought that. HE BETTER NOT HAVE!! Otherwise, he's not getting no sex from me. He probably wants her anyways! Oh, what am I saying. Yuka would never do that. I can't help but think it though.

As we're walking, Yuka let's go if my hand and pulls me in to hug his waist as we walk. I blush at this action. Aw, that was so cute. He smells so good! I could just eat him! Who knows... I might later. I smirked at that thought.

To be Continued...

Another part done! I ship Ruka✌️😗
Kuon finally joined the book. She already crushing on someone else's mans!! Rin gon' kick her ass one of these days. Anyways, LIKE AND COMMENT!❤️❤️❤️❤️

 Anyways, LIKE AND COMMENT!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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