Chapter 4 "Sam's birthday hunt"

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I was walking in one of the gardens with Jack when I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hey Jack! Who's that chick with you?" A dirty blonde guy said. I turned to him and his eyes widened.

"L-Lillian White?" He said.

Jack laughed,"Not so confident anymore huh?" I rolled my eyes as the blonde guy ran away.

"I really don't understand some of the pack members here." He chuckled. I stopped as I saw a familiar purple plant.

"Why the hell do you have wolfsbane?" I asked Jack.

"Well, that's for intruders who are not welcomed and our enemies. We need to be prepared for anything.

"Yes, I understand that. But why do you have it here in public where everyone can take it? Someone can misuse it." Jack was silent for a moment.

"That's true, I'll mind-link Samuel right now." He blanked for few moments. "Done." I nodded.

"What rank are you?" I asked him.

"An eta." He said. Etas are warriors of the pack.

"Er- I have a question." I told Jack and he gave me a nod. "It's been God knows how many days since we have gone to school. Does the headmistress know or?"

"Yeah she does. She is in our pack. I'm surprised you didn't realize. She's the Sigma."

"Oh. Well when are we going back to school?" I asked him.

"Well, now it's Saturday so we are going back on Monday." I nodded. "Oh shoot, Lilith sorry but Sam needs me for something."

"It's fine." I smiled and he left.

I sighed still walking through the garden. It was pretty large so I decided to turn around and go back to the pack house.

Alpha Marc still doesn't like me very much, and I don't blame him for that since I don't like him either. He sometimes glances at me to see what am I doing, like I'm a bomb that can go off every moment.

"Lilith! Can you come in the kitchen?" I heard Sophia call me. Sophia is one of few that I like in the pack. She doesn't care about my eyes or father and she treats me like her family.

"Yeah? What do you need Soph?" I asked her walking downstairs. She was alone in the kitchen.

"Hey Lilith. Er- You know Samuel? What am I asking, of course you know Samuel." She chuckled. I raised my eyebrow and she continued. "It's his birthday in three days and since he's going to be eighteen, and he's an alpha there's going to be a big party. Every pack, well almost every pack in this country will come to see if anyone is Samuel's mate."

If every pack is coming, doesn't that mean that I can't be here? If someone sees me they are gonna tell Lycan Law. Hell, maybe Lycan Law will come here for soon to be Alpha of second powerful pack birthday.

"Doesn't that- Doesn't that mean that I can't be here?" I asked her. Sher frowned.

"Unfortunately." She nodded. "But I wanted to ask you, can you please help Christie and me to make food? There will be more than 100 people here."

I remembered how many food we had to make for 70 people and I knew that if they make it all alone it would take them forever,"Yeah sure."

She smiled,"Thank you. But first we need to hunt. Since Christie and I are the Kappas of this pack, we lead the hunts. I just need to mind-link the Lambdas, and that's it." I nodded and she went blank for a second.

Sophia and Christie were in the front, while I was just behind them.

"When I say, shift, shift. Okay? Then, shift!" I heard a lots of bone cracking and growls. I was one of the first to shift. Everyone else's wolves were brown, grey or red. My wolf was the only black one.

Everyone was first staring at my wolf until Sophia's and Christie's wolf saw that and growled at them.

We started running. I heard birds flying away from us and paws hitting the forest ground.

I told my wolf to focus. She caught a deer's scent and took a sharp left turn. She jumped on it and bit it on the neck. Sophia's wolf told mine to leave it and that we will come later for it. My wolf nodded and continued hunting.

After we finished hunting, there were 36 deer, 15 fish, 21 birds and 2 boars.

"Lilith, can you please hand me salt? It's there, right next to you. Thanks." Said Sophia.

Christie didn't say a word the whole time so I assumed that she's mute.

"Thank you so much Lilith for helping! We wouldn't have done all of this today if we didn't have you." Thanked me Sophia and Christie smiled.

"Anytime. But I have a question. Where am I going to be on Sam's birthday?" Sophia and Christie exchanged looks.

"I actually don't know, Christie do you?" We both turned to Christie and she nervously signed something.

Sophia sighed,"Sorry, we both don't know."

"It's okay, I'll just ask Luna Jacklyn or Beta Kyle." They nodded.

I knocked on door with a sign that said 'Luna's office'. The same baby blue eyes as Sam's looked at me. She smiled.

"Hi Lilith, can I help you?" She asked me.

"Well, Sophia told me that Sam's- Samuel's birthday is in three days, so I wanted to ask er- Where will I be then?" She looked rather suprised by my question.

"First, come in." She said moving out of the way so I can come in.

I looked around and saw Alpha Marc sitting in a sofa, clearly annoyed and files and books pushed off the table.

"Er- Did I interrupt something?" I asked embarrassed. Luna Jacklyn chuckled as Alpha Marc let out a huff.

"Don't worry about it. To answer your question, you can be in a small cottage that we built years ago when Samuel and his older sister Lucy were still little. You will have everything there and the people from the Lycan Law won't come in there." I nodded.

"Okay, thanks."

"Is that it?" Asked me Alpha Marc, glaring at me. Luna Jacklyn hit him in the shoulder and chuckled.

"Ouch! That hurt!" He told her.

"Oh don't be such a baby Marc."

"I'll go now." I said. I didn't want to witness Samuel's parents er- giving Sam another sibling.


This chapter is a bit shorter since I had a lot of school work to do and basketball matches to go. Tho I promise that the next one will be longer!

Xoxo Emma<3

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