3. Now what...?

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Harriette pov, 27-02-2020 (present), age 23:
We all changed into some dry clothes first, since we all were soaking wett thanks to the rain.
As we all gathered in the livingroom, I noticed that Cj was wearing one of my old sweaters.
"Wasn't that one of my old sweaters?" I asked and Cj looked at me.
"I don't know, dad probably mixed it up like he did sometimes..."
"Well it's not like I'd fit it, so you can keep it. You wear it better then I ever did."I said and Cj's smile grew.
Harry looked at me.
"Two nice sentences after each other... Are you okay?"
"Ugh shut up, dork."
Harry chuckled and I rolled my eyes.
"You're just as annoying as yiu were back then." I said and Cj looked at me.
"Back when?" she asked.
"Okay, you wanted a story." I said.
"Oh I have a bad feeling about this..." Harry muttered.
"Let's see... Harry was like a few months old..."

Harriette pov, 09-12-2003, age 6:
Mom and dad said they had some sort thing to do, mom was already out of the house and dad looked at me.
"You know the rules. Don't do anything stupid."
"Yes father..."
"And keep an eye on your little brother."
He handed Harry to me and I looked at him.
"Wait, what am I supposed to do with him? He's a freaking baby!"
"Goodluck with that, bye!"
And he left too.
I looked at my baby brother and sighed.
"Okay, a six year old... stuck with her baby brother... Great..."
He looked at me and I sighed.
"Okay, why don't you just go lay down over here..." and I put him down ob the couch.
I just walked to see if I could find something he could play with, without hurting himself.
I ended up with a pillow but when I walked back, that idiot wasn't on the couch.
"Eh... Harry? Where are you?"
So I walked throught the livingroom and through the rest of the house but he was nowhere to be found.
Then I saw that the frontdoor was still open.
"C'mon dad, why do you never close the door!"
I quickly ran outside and I was hoping furiously that Harry wasn'tthat far away.
But I didn't see him anywhere and I started to panick.
"When your parents leave you alone for the first time, they ask you to do one thing and you mess up..."
I felt terrible and sighed.
"How do I fix this...?"
"Hey look, fresh meat!" someone said.
Then all alarmbells went off.
"Oh come on!" I said and then I saw Gaston literally holding Harry upside down on one of his legs and I ran to him.
"Hey! Give me my brother back!" I yelled Harry was crying, I didn't blame him since he was upside down and less then three months old.
Gaston looked at me.
"Maybe you should've watched out more."
E wanted to walk away but I grabbed one of dad's old guns (which I might've used to shoot cursed pigeons) and pointed it at him.
"I said give me my brother back!"
"Oh look, a five year old witha gun. Now I'm so scared!" Gaston said sarcastically.
I shot him in his leg, which made him drop Harry.
I catched him and looked at Gaston.
"And for your information, I'm six."
Then I quickly ran home and locked the door because his friends came after me.
Luckly I was small and Harry for once was quiet.

I looked at my little brother after I locked the door.
"Never. Ever. Do that again!" I said and Harry started to cry again, probably because I was shouting...
I sighed.
"Hey, it's okay... Please stop crying... You've done that plenty enough those two months that you're alive..."
Harry looked at me and he seemed to calm down.
"See, way better..."
I sat down on the couch and looked at my little brother.
"You know, you're not half as annoying when you're not crying."
He yawned and I grinned.
"Alright, let's get you back in your crib so you can sleep. Being an explorer must be exhausting."
I put him down and he fell asleep pretty quickly.

Mom and dad came back an hour later and dad seemed pretty suprised.
"The house is still standing, you're both still here and alive. Color me impressed." he said.
"Oh come on Killian, have a bit more faith in our daughter." Mom said.
"I wasn't worried about her. But we both know Harry is a pain in the ass."
"Oh don't be like that..." mom said.
"It wasn't sooo hard." I lied.

Harriette pov, 27-02-2020 (present), age 23:
"You lied straight into mom and dad's faces?" Harry asked.
"Forget that, tell us more about mom!" Cj said.
I sighed.
"Maybe later... It's complicated..."
"What, different moms?" Harry said as a joke.
"No. Not that... It just reminds me how she died and... I just don't really want to talk about that..." I said.
"Okay... So... Who's gonna tell something next?" Cj asked.
"Technically it would be Harry's turn but you could also go again, Cj." I said.
"No, I already know what she would start about... I might as well tell..." Harry muttered.
Cj smiled.

Their Hooked Lives {💯%}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora