8. Zevon

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Harry pov, 27-02-2020 (present), age 17:
Okay, Cj rolled her eyes.
"You didn't seem to care! This ain't fair!"
"Just shut up and deal with it." Harriette said with a smirk.
"Thank you." I said and Cj pushed her face in a pillow.
"Was it 5 years ago or 6 years ago?" I asked.
"I believe 6 years ago..." Harriette muttered.
"You two are the worst." Cj said with a embarrassed smile.
"Always." I said.
Harriette grinned.
"Anywaysssssss, the Zevon story." she said.
"I hate you two." Cj said and I grinned.
"No you don't." Harriette said.
"Okay, so six years ago..." I said.

Harry pov, 30-11-2014, age 11:
So I saw Cj walking around the town square, stealing stuff. Start young, being a pro faster.
I grinned.
I taught her most of the tricks and she was killing it, even though she was just six years old.
But with this boy, she froze.
I almost thought that he used some sort of potion from one of the witches but then I saw her cheeks turning bright red.
I chuckled.
"Yea, that was gonna happen someday..."
Then I saw that it was one of my enemies, Zevon. Ysma's son.
"Oh goblins no..." and I face palmed myself.
Why did my little sister had to crush on one of my enemies?
I sneaked closer yet on distance so I could hear them talking.
"Got your tongue?" Zevon asked.
"Pff. No. You're just in my way."
"Oh am I? What are you gonna do about it?"
I kinda wanted to punch that grin of his face but I was also curious of where this was going...
"Ugh, loser." Cj said and she pushed him aside as she walked away.
"Forgot something?" Zevon said and he had Cj's bracelet, which used to be our mom's according to Harriette, in his hand.
"Give that back!" Cj yelled.
Okay, I was this close of killing that guy but Cj never needed or wanted protection from losers like him.
Then I saw that Zevon's expression changed.
"Sentimental huh? You can have it back if..."
"If what?" Cj said annoyed.
"If you kiss me."
I hated the idea but I also thought it was quite funny.
Cj looked at Zevon and then at her bracelet.
"I would, if I didn't got my bracelet back." she said after she took it back and disappeared in the shadows.
"Damn..." Zevon said with heart eyes and I walked to him.
"You better watch out, jerk." I said and Zevon hurried away.
Always fun to scare people.
And yes that guy was 8 and my enemy and my little sister's crush. Unbelievable...

So a few days ago I saw those two talking.
Well that didn't less long because Cj grabbed Zevon's collar and kissed him.
My jaw dropped and I shoke my head.
"Careful what you wish for... Going out wih a Northsider... I know the risks." I muttered.
And hell yea, I told dad about it.
Whuch caused that he grounded Cj.
Cj might've hated me but her relationship with Zevon became only better because of it.
Zevon came by her window everyday and sometimes they even managed to sneak out without dad knowing, quite funny.
But this time he saw it, how Zevon and Cj were sitting on the edge of Cj's room.
I was waiting for him to shout, to yell and to punish Cj for going out with a Northsider like he did when I was dating Mal... But he left. Without doing anything!
I was shocked and went after dad.
"So you're not gonna punish her?"
"But you did when I was dating a Northsider!"
"I punished you because you were dating the daughter of my biggest enemie here on the isle."
"But Cj-"
"Is dating Yzma's son, a usefull alley."
"You're the worst!"
"Watch it." my dad said threatening and I cleched my fists.
"But this ain't fair."
"Life ain't fair. Look around, people are living the life in Auradon while we need to fight for everything we own. So stop whining because I ain't punishing your little sister."
My dad walked away and I swallowed, because I knew he was right...
I walked back to Cj's room and I saw how she layed her head on his shoulder.
Normally, I would've shouted to scare them but not this time... My little sister could use something good since we had this normally, agressive dad... Besides I haven't seen her smile like that in quite a long time.

Harry pov, 27-02-2020 (present), age 17:
Cj looked at me.
"Huh... You're a big jerk, you know."
"Hey, if I'd scare you like that. You would've fall down and I didn't so, you're welcome."
Harriette grinned.
"Why did dad really didn't punish her?" she asked.
"Because he knew Cj would break up with him." I said.
"But I didn't." Cj said.
"True. That was what dad suprised the most." I said.
Harriette chuckled.
"Anyway, it's getting late... It's almost 2am. Maybe we should get some sleep."
"Aww, does the girl need her beauty sleep for her date tomorrow?" I said teasingly and Cj laughed.
But we did went to bed though...

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