21. A happy ending?

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Harry pov, 25-12-2020 (present), age 18:
So Cj smirked at me the next morning.
"So... Are you gonna tell me about her or should I guess." 
I rolled my eyes.
"What do you want to know then?"
"Perhaps staring with her name? You only said you left because of a girl!"
"Right. Well her name is Jordan and she's pretty great."
"Really? That's all I'm gonna get?"
"Ha. Ha."
"Ughhh. You're hopeless."
I chuckled.
"Oh come on, we only met yesterday and sure we might've made out but that's all. I mean what if she doesn't meant it serious y'know? I don't want to jump into conclusions."
"Then just ask her."
"Oh wow, what a genious bit of advise. Why didn't I think of that?" I said sarcastically.
Cj grinned.
"Well, are you going to then?"
"I... I don't know?"
"Idiot. If you like her, don't let her walk away from you. I mean you've been through enough badluck already. Take some chances to get some luck. I saw the way how you two smiled at eachother before you left the party. I haven't seen you smile like that ever since you found out that Uma cheated on you with Gil."
"Hold up. Uma hooked up with Gil?!"
"Or you didn't know that..."
Then I got pissed. Like really really pissed.
"Okay, forget what I said. Besides you got that Jordan now." Cj said quickly but I already left.

She hooked up with my bestfriend back then!
I wasn't just pissed, I got furious.
I went to Ursula's, knowing that those two had to be there.
As I saw Gil, I instantly grabbed his throat.
"Dude... What the...?" Gil muttered.
"Woah, let go of him!"Uma said.
But the others didn't even dare to do anything.
"Give me one reason why I should." I said.
"Harry please, let him go!" Uma said, then the core four walked in and they were shocked to see that I was trying to kill Gil.
"Dude let him go!" Jay said.
"Trust me, if you knew what I know. You wouldn't want him around either." I said.
"Harry... C'mon..." Gil muttered weakly.
"Harry let him go." Mal said.
"Please..." Gil muttered and I released him.
Gil gasped and Jay and Uma helped him up.
"What was that all about?" Evie asked.
"Why don't you ask those two." I said as I nodded towards Uma and Gil.
Carlos looked at them.
"Now I'm confused."
I looked at them.
"Next time, I might not let go." I said and I left.

So Jay went after me because he was kinda curious of what I meant.
"Hook, wait up."
"Leave me alone Jay."
"What was all that about? That if I knew what you knew shit...?"
"Trust me, be glad that you don't know."
Jay catched up on me and stood in front of me.
"No, you're gonna tell me."
"Or else what?"
I saw Jay was annoyed and I was pissed, this was going to be fun.
"Harry come on. Just tell me, if you wanted to kill your best frined then it has to be something big."
"You know Uma and I broke up because she cheated on me? Well guess who made her pregnant." I said.
Jay seemed a bit shocked and I looked at him.
"I told you, you'd prefer not to know." I said and Jay looked at me.
"I... That f*cking asshole!"
Then Jay went back to Ursula's. Probably to break up with Gil.

I sighed and walked around the enchanted lake a little while later.
"Cj is right... It's been a while... I should just let it go..." I mutered.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up.
"Oh, hey Jordan!" I said and she looked at me. 
"Are you okay? You seem a bit down..."
"Oh, I'm fine... Just some stuff about what happend between me and my ex girlfriend."
"That sucks... But I might know something which would cheer you up."
"What?" I asked and she kissed me.
I smiled and looked at her.
"I think you might've been right." 
She chuckled.
"I told you."
I looked at her.
"Hey, maybe a weird question but my little sister wanted to know more about you. Would you want to come over?"
"Of course. I'd like to."
"Great." I said with a smile as I kissed her once more before we headed to the Hook house. 

Cj looked up as we walked in.
"Hey lil' sis." I said and Cj looked at Jordan.
"So you're Jordan huh." 
I face palmed myself and Jordan chuckled.
"Yes, that must make you Cj."
Cj nodded and looked at me.
"She looks better then Uma."
I grinned and Jordan looked at me.
"My ex."
"Ah, glad to hear that."
Cj chuckled.
"So are you dating?"
"Technically we're not." Jordan said with a sly smile.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend then?" I asked her and she took my hand.
Cj rolled her eyes.
"I'm just gonna go now."
"Have fun with Zevon." I said and Cj looked at me.
"How'd you know I was going to him?"
"I know you longer then today."
Jordan looked at me as soon as Cj left.
"She's really something else then I expected."
"Trust me, she's a big softy."
"So like you."
"Hey-!" I said a little offended but also while grinning.
"Just get over here and kiss me." Jordan said.
"Yes ma'am." I said and we just kepy kissing for a while. 
Oh and by the way, Jay did break up with Gil like I thought he would. 
And Uma's child was born dead, I kinda wanted to say that karma is a bitch but maybe not the best moment.

The end, I hope you guys enjoyed the story.

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