[4] drunken love

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in which hange zöe, a bartender, becomes a 'part-time therapist' for levi ackerman, an alcoholic having a hard time.



the door opened to reveal the one and only levi ackerman. he was a regular and he was coming so often, that he practically lived at the bar. everyone knew who he was and all the bartenders even knew his regular order by now. he's hit rock bottom and he has zero hope that anyone will pull him out of it.

hange zöe, a bartender, was the person who had grown most accustomed to levi. she knew his drinking patterns and alcohol variations for his different moods. she practically became a part-time babysitter whenever levi came, which became all the time.

"hey levi! how ya feelin today?"

"how do you think?", he replied with a deadpan expression.

"jeez, i'm just asking so i can prepare your drink."

"then just ask me what i want."

hange pouted, "ooh someone's extra grumpy today."

"hange, don't rile him up and just get his order.", moblit told her from the side of the bar.

"alright what is it you want today?", hange asked as levi slumped over the bar and replied, "i don't fucking care as long as it helps get rid of whatever i'm feeling right now." hange thought for a bit then started to space out. "hey. you gonna get my drink or not?" she snapped out of her trance and began making levi's drink. "you ever think of seeing a therapist or something?"

levi's head snapped up and he scoffed at her, "no they're fucking expensive. and alcohol works better."

"no it doesn't."

"just give me my goddamn drink."

"yes sir.", hange teased as she handed him his first drink of the night. he downed it in an instant. as the hours passed and the day turned into night, customers and employees came and went. hange and levi were the last ones in the bar and levi, fully intoxicated, told her to make him another one.

"no. you've had enough. and i'm pretty sure you can't pay for everything i made you."

annoyed, levi groggily replied with, "just put it on my tab like we always do."

"you know, you're going to actually have to pay back the money on the tab at some point."

"shut up, my head is ringing."

hange looked at levi and couldn't help but feel bad for him. she knew that something had to have happened for him to end up like this. and she's never seen anyone in worse shape than levi. he was pitiful. and it didn't take a mastermind to tell that he was in pain.

"why don't you talk to me? i'm sure you'd feel better afterwards."

too tired to argue with her, he simply said, "no."

hange thought to herself and pondered about how she could make him open up to her until it hit her. "if you talk to me, i'll pay for your drinks the next time you come over here." levi looked at her questioningly until he realized he was serious. it was a miracle he was able to think coherent thoughts at this point. realizing that he would really like to not worry about expenses for once, he agreed, "fine."

not expecting him to agree, hange was surprised and ecstatic. she was finally going to hear about the story behind this mess of a human being. "well, go ahead then. i'm waiting."

he took a deep breath, telling his story about his dead mother, uncle, who acted as a stand-in father, then left without saying a word, and the loss and abandonment he felt because of all that. he had gone through depressive periods like this before but this new wave was caused by something else. his two best friends isabel and farlan had recently passed away in a car accident recently and he felt more alone than ever.

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