The Dark Shadow

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I looked up at the sky once and felt the golden beam hit me,
Where is it now, when I scream for it to find me,
It disappeared, just like my little hopes disappeared one by one,

I feared the shadow all my life,
And it's just getting bigger and bigger within me,
Is there a way, I wanna scream
But my screams are falling dumb to the ears I want to fill,

The void is getting bigger,
Just as the world is getting shorter,
Like the last surviving leaf in spring, I fear the wind would hit me and carry me away,

Where is my way,
How long will the angels look frowned on me,
Oh the devil is playing with me,
Waiting for the smallest chance that it might get to push me,

But I don't want to fall,
I want to rise again like a Phoenix,
With new hope in this world,
I want to look at the sky with my big smile again.

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