The rain

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As I fell down on my knees,
And the grass brushed my tired feet
The dewdrops tickled me making me live again
It was the body that wanted to fall in the ocean
But instead looked up at the sky filled with grey heavy clouds,
I wanted to sink in, but I couldn't
The race was getting harder, and my shoes are worn out now,
The strength in my knees are gone,
They could be regained, but the question is, do I want to?
I ask myself that out loud, screaming in the unbearable silence I've been in all this long
What if I don't want to run? I ask myself
The sky was becoming darker,
I wanted it to rain
Wanted the rain to hide my tears
Wanted it to break the silence and tell me that it was okay
But how can I trust it, when it itself doesn't promise to stay?
Where is my angel? I look up at the sky again,
It had stopped raining now leaving my tears exposed,
I realised I was right, the rain cannot stay with me.
Just like how the world cannot stop for me,
I get up once again, with my tired legs .
I look up at the sky and ask the angels to give me the strength to not stop again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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