Damn, y'all looking fine.

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Y/n's POV

We finally got out of the hell hole called school and see the world splitted. "So, where do we exactly go?" I look for them for an answer. Six stated, "There's a thin metal bar we can walk across."

"Oh, I didn't see that," I scratched the back of my neck. "I  saw it, Six only said it first before me," Mono tries to convince me. I tell him it's fine. I don't want to start a fight.

We walk across like a certain The Beetles album. A piece of land was high up, I wonder what we can do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We pushed a garbage disposal until we hit the strong rock that was stuck. While pushing, the lid of it closed. We climb on to a tv and do EPIC parkour. Why are there so many TVs?

These guys don't seem to talk a lot. I guess I could get use to the silence now. All of a sudden, Mono goes through a small alleyway and touches the air. I want to ask but I have something holding me back.

Mono picks up a sweet paper boat. "Cool," I compliment his discovery. "Thanks,"

Six's POV

I haven't met Y/n for a long time than Mono but I want more attention from them. When they complimented Mono, I felt pissed off.

I'm already embarrassed about me killing a bully with my bare hands. I don't want to hurt Mono. Okay, maybe I kinda do but I don't want to hurt Y/n's feelings.

When Y/n goes in front of us, I glare at Mono. I couldn't tell his expression but he scratched his bag. Be oblivious Y/n.

Y/n's POV

I walk in front as Mono catches up. He really likes being the leader. There was a door with a small hole that we could crawl into. We all get into the small place.

I see a bunch of boxes and clothes everywhere but there were two things that stood out. A yellow raincoat and a mask. I felt the mask calling to me. Six can relate as she walks to the raincoat.

I put the mask on as Six slides the raincoat on her. There was a mirror behind a box and I looked at myself. You could only see a smile and the holes for my eyes were to dark. I grab the mirror and look up at the light shining above us. Still, you couldn't see my eyes with light.

"You look great, Six!" I cheer, enthusiastically.  "Thank you Y/n, you look..really amazing," Six shyly says the last part. Mono gets in the conversation, "what about me?"

"Mono, you look like a fashion idol," I hype the group's confidence. After a few more compliments, we leave the apparent clothing shop.

There was a fence blocking us from a vent. Six and I already start lifting Mono up. Mono climbs up and opens the gate for us.

He's very trustworthy and protective of us while Six is very observant and violent sometimes. I don't think there's anything wrong with hurting people because they'll hurt you if you don't.

We make a great group but something seems off. Nothing has changed but this all seems..off. The raincoat and mask are off. There's nothing wrong with that.

I- I need to stop thinking to hard, changes happen and you have to get used to it.


The vents lead us to a big building. I'm already calling that there's gonna be a monster that we have to defeat.

We climb through the window and see books and shelves. "We're in a hospital aren't we?" I want to verify it.

"Yep," Mono pops the 'P' as Six says it dreadfully. Next thing you know, slender man's coming here.

Why can't the world be normal?

Sup, slow updates am I right? I give you a short little chapter before I come back to my hibernation.

(Ending spoilers)




BUT THREE ENDINGS! Also, one of the endings might get a sequel (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)










(DISCONTINUED) "The children" Mono x reader x SixWhere stories live. Discover now