Chapt. 17 ~ Charlie Gillespie

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We made it to our destination "Oooo are we getting ice cream"I jumped up and down. Charlie chuckled and nodded

"Yeppp" He grabbed my hand and we walked off to the ice cream truck

"Well hey cutie" The guy working there winked at me. I looked at Charlie as he nodded. He put his arm around me as I grabbed his hand

"Um, can I get a cookie dough in a cone and a mint chocolate for MY girl?" Charlie started pronouncing the my. I smiled at intertwined my fingers with Charlie's

"Sure" The guy rolled his eyes. I tried not to laugh "What would be 9.38$" The guy grabbed the machine and put it infront of us. Charlie tried to reach for his wallet but I distracted him

"Charlie look over there" I pointed behind him. He looked at me and then behind us. I giggled at how easy I tricked him. I grabbed my wallet and tapped on the machine with my debit card before Charlie turned around.

"There is nothing there" Charlie turned back around. The worker took the machine "um man I didn't pay yet" Charlie finished

"Your girl payed" The man smiled sarcastically. Charlie looked at me

"Hey I was supposed to pay" Charlie crossed his arms

"You always pay, let me pay this once" I kissed his cheek. Charlie smiled as the guy working there rolled his eyes. I looked at him "um ok kind sir but you don't need to roll your eyes for like the 4th time. I get it your single and you want a girlfriend but just so you know I don't really give a fuck. Anyways, me and my men need to head somewhere have a great day" I stated and grabbed Charlie's hand. Charlie smiled and walked with me. We grabbed the ice cream and sat down on a picnic table. The sky was beautiful. I kept looking at the sky but then I caught Charlie staring at me. I looked at him confused. "What?" I giggled

"Oh nothing, you are just beautiful" Charlie kept looking at me. I smiled at what he told me. I hugged him right away with my ice cream in my hand. I pulled away from the hug and put my ice cream on Charlie's face. I laughed so hard and started running because I had a huge feeling that Charlie would do the same

"Oh your dead" Charlie started chasing me. I started screaming at running at the same time. I stopped to catch my breath and looked around and I couldn't find Charlie. I kept looking until I feel myself not touching the floor anymore

"Charlie put my down" I laughed while hitting his back

"Never" He stated but fell with me "oh shit" We both feel to the ground. Me and Charlie started laughing out ass's off

"Omg I can't breath" I laughed

"Me too" Charlie laughed with me. Charlie looked at me and moved closer to me. He went over me and kissed my lips. "You are beautiful" Charlie kissed me again. I gave him another kiss. He smiled and put the ice cream on my face and started laughing. I was quiet and then I started laughing again. "You look cute with ice cream on your face" Charlie kissed my forehead.

"There is ice cream on your lips now" I giggled

"Can you get it away" Charlie puckered his lips. I smiled and kissed his lips. Charlie kept kissing me again.

"Ooo can we take pictures pleasee" I asked him

"Of course we can" Charlie helped me up and we took our phones out to take the pictures

The love between us ~ Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now