Chapt. 35 ~ Charlie Gillespie

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It has been 15 minutes and I am still waiting for Nessa to wake up. I look at my fists all bruised up and my fist is all red from punching Conner. I turn my head and I see Nessa there. I walk to her and hold her hand. "Ness, I am so sorry for what happened. I shouldn't have let you go with him and I should of been there being your boyfriend. I should have come with you at least. You are my baby and I am happy that Conner is where he deserves to be. I'm sorry that I didn't get to protect you. I love you Ness" I stated. I kissed her hand

"I love you too" I hear. I look up and I see Nessa, her eyes opening slowly.

"Baby" I hugged her

"Hi Babe" She replied. I looked at her and kissed her.

"I am so sorry for-" she cut me off

"Stop saying sorry, it's not your fault." She grabbed my hand.

"But I should've-" She cut me off again

"You wouldn't be coming anyways. Conner is dangerous and he could have hurt you. I am happy that you didn't come" She put our foreheads together.

Nessa's POV

"I hear Nessa" I see Savannah and the others walk to me

"Nessa are you ok?" Owen asked

"We missed you" Jeremy walked to me. They all hugged me

"I missed you guys too" I hugged them all. I see Charlie looking at his wrist

"Charlie, your wrist" I rubbed his hand. He closes his eyes in pain. I lifted his chin "Let's go up in bed" I got up

"Ness be careful" They all said

"I'm ok. I'll tell you guys when I'm not" I told them. They nodded and I brought Charlie upstairs. I told him to sit down on the bed. He did what i said and sat down. I walked to my washroom and I grabbed bandages. I went to Charlie

"Ok hand me your hand" I put my hand out.

"Ness i'm fine" Charlie kissed my cheek

"Nope you always had my back babe and I let you. Now it is my turn" I stated. Charlie smiled and gave me his hand. I put a cream over it and then the bandages. I gave him a hug and I sat on his lap. "You know that I am lucky to have you right?" I told him

"I am the lucky one. I don't know what I would do with you honestly" He kissed me.

The love between us ~ Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now